Highway Engineering Online Test - Set 15 - ObjectiveBooks

Highway Engineering Online Test - Set 15

Practice Test: Question Set - 15

1. Reduction of load capacity in a ruling gradient of
    (A) 1 in 10, is 10%
    (B) 1 in 15, is 15%
    (C) 1 in 20, is 10%
    (D) 1 in 25, is 25%

2. The width of road pavements, depends upon
    (A) Width of traffic lane
    (B) Number of traffic
    (C) Width of median strip
    (D) All the above

3. While calculating the overtaking sight distance, the height of the object above road surface, is assumed
    (A) 50 cm
    (B) 70 cm
    (C) 100 cm
    (D) 120 cm

4. Minimum thickness of the base of a flexible pavement, is
    (A) 10 cm
    (B) 15 cm
    (C) 20 cm
    (D) 25 cm

5. Widening of the roads on curves in hilly region, is done
    (A) On the outer side
    (B) On the inner side
    (C) On the outer and inner sides equally
    (D) Less on outer side and more on inner side

6. The wall constructed for the stability of a back filling portion of a road on the downhill side, is known as
    (A) Retaining wall
    (B) Breast wall
    (C) Parapet wall
    (D) All the above

7. If V is speed of a moving vehicle, r is radius of the curve, g is the acceleration due to gravity, W is the width of the carriageway, the super elevation is
    (A) WV/gr
    (B) W2V/gr
    (C) WV2/gr
    (D) WV/gr2

8. Side drains on both sides of a hill road, are essential when the road is
    (A) Along the spur curves
    (B) Along the re-entrant curves
    (C) In cutting
    (D) None of these

9. In a right angle bend of a road provided with a transition throughout, the maximum polar angle will be
    (A) 10°
    (B) 15°
    (C) 20°
    (D) 30°

10. If V is the design speed in km/hour and R is the radius of the curve of a hill road, the super-elevation
    (A) e = V / 127 R
    (B) e = V2 / 127 R
    (C) e = V2 / 225 R
    (D) e = V / 225 R

11. Along a hill road, a side drain is provided on
    (A) Outer side of a spur curve
    (B) Outer side of a re-entrant curve
    (C) Outer side of both (a) and (b)
    (D) Inner side of both (a) and (b)

12. The total length of a valley formed by two gradients - 3% and + 2% curve between the two tangent points to provide a rate of change of centrifugal acceleration 0.6 m/sec2, for a design speed 100 kmph, is
    (A) 16.0 m
    (B) 42.3 m
    (C) 84.6 m
    (D) None of these

13. If V is speed in km/hour and R is radius of the curve, the super-elevation e is equal to
    (A) V2/125 R
    (B) V2/225 R
    (C) V2/325 R
    (D) V2/25 R

14. The weaving length of a roadway is the distance
    (A) Between the channelizing islands
    (B) Equal to half circumference
    (C) Equal to total width of adjoining radial roads
    (D) Equal to diameter of rotary

15. Following type of pavement is generally known as flexible pavement
    (A) Water-bound macadam roads
    (B) Stabilized soil roads
    (C) Road constructed with various layers of building material well compacted
    (D) All the above

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