Dress Making Pattern and Layout Objective Mock Test - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

Dress Making Pattern and Layout Objective Mock Test - Set 05

Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. Which theory describes proportions of a human figure?
    (A) Five head theory
    (B) Six head theory
    (C) Seven head theory
    (D) Eight head theory

2. Which one is a lower garment?
    (A) Skirt
    (B) Shirt
    (C) Saree blouse
    (D) Kameez

3. What is marker planning?
    (A) Arrangement of patterns
    (B) Preparing of patterns
    (C) Marking of patterns
    (D) Cutting of patterns

4. How many types of manipulation?
    (A) 2
    (B) 3
    (C) 4
    (D) 5

5. Which of the following is a type of flat pattern designing?
    (A) Manipulation
    (B) Drafting
    (C) Draping
    (D) Grading

6. What does describe about term derived?
    (A) Length of parts
    (B) Width of parts
    (C) Shape of parts
    (D) Size of parts

7. Which one is the direct method of designing on the human figure?
    (A) Draping
    (B) Drafting
    (C) Sketching
    (D) Figuring

8. Which type of fullness is spreaded equally in the opposite side?
    (A) One sided fullness
    (B) Equal fullness
    (C) Unequal fullness
    (D) Sided fullness

9. How many heads are there for fashion figure?
    (A) 08 head
    (B) 09 head
    (C) 12 head
    (D) 07 head

10. What is the formula to calculate increment?
    (A) Increment = Size interval × Variable quantity
    (B) Increment = Base size × Variable quantity
    (C) Increment = Variable quantity × Sample size
    (D) Increment = Base size × Size internal

11. Which part of the body is covered by sleeves?
    (A) Arms
    (B) Legs
    (C) Neck
    (D) Waist

12. What is the use of measurements?
    (A) Correct fitting
    (B) Labeling
    (C) Packing
    (D) Pressing

13. Which identification mark is used in the pattern for balance?
    (A) Pleat mark
    (B) Dart mark
    (C) Tuck mark
    (D) Notch

14. Which type of fullness is used for one side in less one side in more to form an arc shape?
    (A) One sided fullness
    (B) Equal fullness
    (C) Unequal fullness
    (D) Sided fullness

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