Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering MCQ Test - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering MCQ Test - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. Generally the weir is aligned at right angles to the direction of the main river current because
    (A) It ensures less length of the weir
    (B) It gives better discharging capacity
    (C) It is economical
    (D) All of the above

2. A straight glacis type fall with a baffle platform and a baffle wall is called
    (A) Vertical drop-fall
    (B) Glacis fall
    (C) Montague type fall
    (D) Inglis fall

3. The meander pattern of a river is developed by
    (A) Average discharge
    (B) Dominant discharge
    (C) Maximum discharge
    (D) Critical discharge

4. The ratio of the average load to the installed capacity of the plant whose reserve capacity is zero will be equal to
    (A) Load factor
    (B) Plant factor
    (C) Utilization factor
    (D) Both (A) and (B)

5. The most suitable chemical which can be applied to the water surface for reducing evaporation is
    (A) Methyl alcohol
    (B) Ethyl alcohol
    (C) Cetyl alcohol
    (D) Butyl alcohol

6. The shape of recession limb of a hydrograph depends upon
    (A) Basin characteristics only
    (B) Storm characteristics only
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) None of the above

7. If the critical shear stress of a channel is XC, then the average value of shear stress required to move the grain on the bank is
    (A) 0.5 XC
    (B) 0.75 TC
    (C) XC
    (D) 1.33 TC

8. The flow of water after spilling over the weir crest in chute spillway and side channel spillway respectively are
    (A) At right angle and parallel to weir crest
    (B) Parallel and at right angle to weir crest
    (C) Parallel to weir crest in both
    (D) At right angle to weir crest in both

9. Hydrodynamic pressure due to earthquake acts at a height of
    (A) 3H/4π above the base
    (B) 3H/4π below the water surface
    (C) 4H/3π above the base
    (D) 4H/3π below the water surface, where H is the depth of water.

10. Select the correct statement.
    (A) A meander increases the river length but a cut off reduces the river length
    (B) A cut-off increases the river length but a meander reduces the river length
    (C) Both meander and cut-off increase the river length
    (D) Both meander and cut-off decrease the river length

11. Select the incorrect statement.
    (A) Intensive irrigation should be avoided in areas susceptible to water logging
    (B) Extensive irrigation should be adopted in areas susceptible to water logging
    (C) Lift irrigation increases water logging
    (D) All of the above

12. In India, which of the following is adopted as standard recording rain-gauge?
    (A) Symon’s rain-gauge
    (B) Tipping bucket type
    (C) Natural siphon type
    (D) Weighing bucket type

13. The flow-mass curve is graphical representation of
    (A) Cumulative discharge and time
    (B) Discharge and percentage probability of flow being equaled or exceeded
    (C) Cumulative discharge, volume and time in chronological order
    (D) Discharge and time in chronological order

14. Main purpose of mean water training for rivers is
    (A) Flood control
    (B) To provide sufficient depth of water in navigable channels, during low water periods
    (C) To preserve the channel in good shape by efficient disposal of suspended and bed load
    (D) All of the above

15. A divide wall is provided
    (A) At right angle to the axis of weir
    (B) Parallel to the axis of weir and upstream of it
    (C) Parallel to the axis of weir and downstream of it
    (D) At an inclination to the axis of weir

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