Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering MCQ - ObjectiveBooks

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering MCQ

Practice Test: Question Set - 15

1. The main factor which affects the infiltration capacity, is
    (A) Thickness of saturated layer
    (B) Depth of surface detention
    (C) Soil moisture
    (D) All the above

2. If the area of storm hydrograph is equal to 102 cm, the ordinates of a unit hydrograph may be obtained by dividing the ordinates of the storm hydrograph by
    (A) 0.5
    (B) 1
    (C) 2
    (D) 4

3. The surface run off is due to
    (A) Initial rain
    (B) Residual rain
    (C) Rain in the net supply interval
    (D) All the above

4. If the velocities of flow of a stream of 10 m depth recorded by a current meter at depths of 2 m and 8 m are 0.7 m and 0.3 m respectively, the discharge per unit width of the stream in cubic metres, is
    (A) 2
    (B) 3
    (C) 4
    (D) 5

5. The earthen embankments constructed parallel to the river banks at some suitable distance for flood control, are known as
    (A) Floods walls
    (B) Dikes
    (C) Levees
    (D) Both (b) and (c)

6. The area of a drainage basin whose axial length is 100 km is 2500 sq. km. Its form factor is
    (A) 0.10
    (B) 0.20
    (C) 0.25
    (D) 0.35

7. According to Robert E. Horton, the equation of infiltration capacity curve, is (where letters carry their usual meanings)
    (A) f = fc (fo - fcekt
    (B) f = ft - (fo - fce-kt
    (C) f = ft + (fo - fce-kt
    (D) f = f + (fo - fcekt

8. Consumptive use of a crop during growth, is the amount of
    (A) Interception
    (B) Transpiration
    (C) Evaporation
    (D) All the above

9. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The intensity of rain is the rate at which it falls
    (B) The duration of rain is the time for which it falls with a given intensity
    (C) The frequency of rain is the number of times, if falls
    (D) All the above

10. If the slope of a line for infiltration capacity curve is 1/1.737, the value of constant k in Horton's equation of infiltration capacity curve, is
    (A) 2.0
    (B) 2.5
    (C) 4.0
    (D) 5.0

11. If the grain size of soil increases
    (A) Surface area decreases
    (B) Specific retention decreases
    (C) Water supply in well increases
    (D) All the above

12. For determination of average annual precipitation in a catchment basin, the best method is
    (A) Arithmetical method
    (B) Thiessen's mean method
    (C) Isohyetal method
    (D) None of these

13. Prof. Running suggested the method for extending the discharge curve. It is known as
    (A) Logarithmic method
    (B) y method
    (C) General method
    (D) None of these

14. If the potential infiltration of a water shed having a soil with fair pasture cover, is 10 cm and rainfall is 12 cm, the direct run off is:
    (A) 2 cm
    (B) 3 cm
    (C) 5 cm
    (D) 7 cm

15. Burge formula Q = 19.6 (A/L2/3) cumecs is based upon
    (A) Rainfall and drainage area
    (B) Run off and drainage area
    (C) Drainage area and its shape
    (D) Drainage area

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