Online Test Questions on Water Resources Engineering - Set 07 - ObjectiveBooks

Online Test Questions on Water Resources Engineering - Set 07

Practice Test: Question Set - 07

1. For the estimate of high floods in fan-shaped catchment, the formula used is
    (A) Dicken's formula
    (B) Ryve's formula
    (C) Inglis formula
    (D) None of these

2. The major resisting force in a gravity dam is
    (A) Water pressure
    (B) Wave pressure
    (C) Self-weight of dam
    (D) Uplift pressure

3. Hydrograph is a graphical representation of
    (A) Surface run off
    (B) Ground water flow
    (C) Rain fall
    (D) Discharge flowing in the river

4. Seepage through embankments in an earthen dam is controlled by
    (A) Drainage filters
    (B) Relief wells
    (C) Drain trenches
    (D) Provision of downstream berms

5. Indian Meteorological department uses the standard gauges whose collectors have apertures of
    (A) 50 or 100 sq. cm area
    (B) 100 or 150 sq. cm area
    (C) 100 or 200 sq. cm area
    (D) 250 or 500 sq. cm area

6. The main function of a divide wall is to
    (A) Control the silt entry in the canal
    (B) Prevent river floods from entering the canal
    (C) Separate the under-sluices from weir proper
    (D) Provide smooth flow at sufficiently low velocity

7. The rainfall at any place is described by
    (A) Its intensity
    (B) Its duration
    (C) Its frequency
    (D) All the above

8. The sensitivity of a rigid module is
    (A) Zero
    (B) Between zero and one
    (C) 1
    (D) Infinity

9. Discharge curve may be extended by logarithmic method if
    (A) Cross section of river is uniform
    (B) River is broader and shallower
    (C) River is of any type
    (D) None of these

10. An aggrading river is a
    (A) Silting river
    (B) Scouring river
    (C) Both silting and scouring river
    (D) Neither silting nor scouring river

11. Izzard formula for the time of concentration in minutes for the plots having no channels, is (where Lo is the length of overland flow in metres and Kp rainfall intensity in cm/hour)
    (A) T = 111 b. L01/3/(Kp)2/3
    (B) T = 222 b. L01/2/(Kp)1/3
    (C) T = 333 b. L0/Kp
    (D) T = 111 b. L01/3/(Kp)2/5

12. Lining of irrigation channels
    (A) Increases the water-logging area
    (B) Decreases the water-logging area
    (C) Does not change the water logging area
    (D) None of the above

13. The equation V = (1000 ID102/60) × (1.8T + 42) which is used for determining the velocity of ground water flow in metres per day is known as
    (A) Meinzer's formula
    (B) Slichter's formula
    (C) Darcy's formula
    (D) Hazen formula

14. The stage of river carrying a discharge of Q m/sec at a point is 10 m and slope of water surface is (1/4000). The discharge of a flood same point and same stage of 10 m with a water surface slope of (1/1000) will be
    (A) V2 Q m3/sec
    (B) 0.5 Q m3/sec
    (C) 2 Q m3/sec
    (D) 4 Q m3/sec

15. In the estimate of design flood, Dickens assumes that high flood in cumecs, is proportional to catchment area raised to the power
    (A) 1/4
    (B) 1/2
    (C) 3/4
    (D) 2/3

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