Water Resources Engineering MCQ Practice Test - Set 13 - ObjectiveBooks

Water Resources Engineering MCQ Practice Test - Set 13

Practice Test: Question Set - 13

1. Bernard's distribution graph is a plot of time on X-axis and
    (A) Run off on the y-axis
    (B) Total run off on the y-axis
    (C) Percentage of total surface run off on y-axis
    (D) Percentage of total surface run off during uniform time intervals on y-axis

2. The rate of evaporation from reservoirs may be determined by
    (A) Pan-measurement method
    (B) Empirical formulae
    (C) Storage equation method
    (D) All the above

3. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) Rain which is intercepted by buildings, vegetations and other objects, is generally known as rainfall interception
    (B) The difference between the total rainfall and intercepted rainfall, is generally called ground rainfall
    (C) When rainfall exceeds the interception rainfall, water reaches the ground and infiltration starts
    (D) All the above

4. The standard height of a standard rain gauge, is
    (A) 10 cm
    (B) 20 cm
    (C) 30 cm
    (D) 50 cm

5. The runoff is affected by
    (A) Type of precipitation
    (B) Rain intensity and duration of rainfall
    (C) Rain distribution and soil moisture deficiency
    (D) All the above

6. With the usual meanings of letters, the equation V = 400 I (D102/4) is used for determining the velocity of ground water flow in metres per day. It is known as
    (A) Meinzer's formula
    (B) Slichter's formula
    (C) Darcy's formula
    (D) Hazen's formula

7. Hydrology is the science which deals with
    (A) Rain water
    (B) River water
    (C) Sea water
    (D) Surface and underground water

8. Symon's rain gauge is
    (A) Tipping-bucket gauge
    (B) Weighing type gauge
    (C) Float recording gauge
    (D) Non-recording gauge

9. If P and A are the perimeter and area of a drainage basin, its compactness coefficient, is
    (A) P2/2πA
    (B) P/2πA
    (C) P/2√πA
    (D) P3/π3A

10. Pettis formula Q = C (P.B)5/4 cumecs, is based upon
    (A) Rainfall and drainage area
    (B) Run off and drainage area
    (C) Drainage area and its shape
    (D) Drainage area

11. A volume of air at constant barometric pressure may be brought to dew point by
    (A) Increasing the temperature
    (B) Decreasing the temperature
    (C) Neither (a) nor (b)
    (D) Both (a) and (b)

12. The form factor of a drainage basin is obtained by dividing
    (A) Area of the basin by the axial length
    (B) Average width of the basin by the axial basin
    (C) Area of the basin by the square of the axial length
    (D) Both (b) and (c)

13. If ω is unit weight of water, Q the discharge in cumecs, H the total head lift and η, the efficiency of the pump, the H.P. of the motor is
    (A) H.P. = ω QH/75 η
    (B) H.P. = ω QH/4500 η
    (C) H.P. = ω Qη/75 H
    (D) H.P. = ω Qη/4500 H

14. The surface Run-off is the quantity of water
    (A) Absorbed by soil
    (B) Intercepted by buildings and vegetative cover
    (C) Required to fill surface depressions
    (D) That reaches the stream channels

15. A recording type rain gauge
    (A) Produces a mass curve of rain fall
    (B) Records the cumulative rain
    (C) Is sometimes called integrating rain gauge or continuous rain gauge
    (D) All the above

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