Departmental Practice Exams for Railway Employee - Set 03 - ObjectiveBooks

Departmental Practice Exams for Railway Employee - Set 03

RRB Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. In India generally the sleeper density of sleepers per rail length used is:
    (A) 18
    (B) 30
    (C) 12
    (D) 24

2. A treadle bar is used for
    (A) Interlocking points and signal
    (B) Setting points and crossings
    (C) Setting Marshalling yard signals
    (D) Track maintenance

3. To reduce the intensity of pressure particularly on soft variety of sleepers, a rectangular plate is introduced between the rails and the sleepers. This is known as:
    (A) Fish plate
    (B) Chair
    (C) Saddle plate
    (D) Bearing plate

4. The desirable rate of change of cant deficiency in case of Meter Gauge is
    (A) 20 mm/sec
    (B) 35 mm/sec
    (C) 55 mm/sec
    (D) 65 mm/sec

5. In locomotive ‘hunting’ is:
    (A) Movement of locomotive in vertical plane perpendicular to its movement along the track
    (B) Sinuous path taken by engine as against the alignment of the track
    (C) Motion after brakes have been applied
    (D) Combination of A and B above

6. Normally maximum cant permissible in Meter Gauge is
    (A) 75 mm
    (B) 90 mm
    (C) 140 mm
    (D) 165 mm

7. For wooden sleepers, size of the ballast should be:
    (A) 2.54 cm
    (B) 10.16 cm
    (C) 3.8 cm
    (D) 5.1 cm

8. The art of providing an outward slope of __________ to the treads of wheels of rolling stock is known as coning of wheels.
    (A) 1 in 30
    (B) 1 in 10
    (C) 1 in 4
    (D) 1 in 20

9. Switch angle depends on
    (i) Heel divergence
    (ii) Length of tongue rail
    (iii) Flange-way clearance
    (iv) Throw of switch
The correct answer is
    (A) (i) and (ii)
    (B) (ii) and (iii)
    (C) (iii) and (iv)
    (D) (i)and(iv)

10. The distance through which the tongue rail moves laterally at the toe of the switch for movement of trains is called
    (A) Flange-way clearance
    (B) Heel divergence
    (C) Throw of the switch
    (D) None of the above

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