RRB Departmental Exams Practice Test - ObjectiveBooks

RRB Departmental Exams Practice Test

RRB Practice Test: Question Set - 16

1. Steel sleepers are _________ shaped in section.
    (A) Oval
    (B) Rectangular
    (C) Trough
    (D) Semi-spherical

2. The number of fish bolts used for joining the rails with the help of fish plates is generally:
    (A) 4
    (B) 8
    (C) 2
    (D) 6

3. The reception signal is
    (i) Outer signal
    (ii) Home signal
    (iii) Starter
    (iv) Advanced starter
The correct answer is
    (A) (i) and (ii)
    (B) (ii) and (iii)
    (C) (iii) and (iv)
    (D) (i) and (iv)

4. The cause of formation of kinks in a rail is:
    (A) Loose packing at joints
    (B) Defect in gauge and alignment
    (C) Defect in cross level joints
    (D) Any of the above

5. Maximum value of ‘throw of switch’ for Broad Gauge track is
    (A) 89 mm
    (B) 95 mm
    (C) 100 mm
    (D) 115 mm

6. The horse power to weight ratio steam engine is generally of the order of:
    (A) 10-15 kg/HP
    (B) 60-80 kg/HP
    (C) 20-30 kg/HP
    (D) 100-150 kg/HP

7. One degree of curve is equivalent to (where R is the radius of curve in meters.)
    (A) 1600/R
    (B) 1700/R
    (C) 1750/R
    (D) 1850/R

8. Which of the following turnouts is most commonly used for goods train on Indian Railways?
    (A) 1 in 8’/2
    (B) 1 in 12
    (C) 1 in 16
    (D) 1 in 20

9. Metal sleepers are superior to wooden sleepers with respect to
    (A) Cost
    (B) Life
    (C) Track circuiting
    (D) Fastening

10. The distance between the inner face of rails for meter gauge and for broad gauge is
    (A) 1 m, 1.5 m
    (B) 1.2 m, 1.67 m
    (C) 1 m, 1.675 m
    (D) 1.2 m, 1.675 m

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