Railway Interview Practice Test - Set 13 - ObjectiveBooks

Railway Interview Practice Test - Set 13

RRB Practice Test: Question Set - 13

1. The limiting value of cant deficiency for Meter Gauge routes is
    (A) 40 mm
    (B) 50 mm
    (C) 75 mm
    (D) 100 mm

2. The section of a rail is decided on the basis of:
    (A) Type of rails
    (B) Spacing of the sleepers
    (C) Speed of trains
    (D) All of the above

3. The thickness of fish plate generally used in Indian Railway is:
    (A) 16 mm
    (B) 10 mm
    (C) 25 mm
    (D) 20 mm

4. The latest system of signaling introduced is:
    (A) C.T.C. system
    (B) Pilot guard system
    (C) Section clear system
    (D) Automatic block system

5. Wider gauge permits:
    (A) Sleeper gradients
    (B) Low axle load
    (C) Higher operating speeds
    (D) Sharp curves

6. When semaphore and warner are installed on the same post, then the stop indication is given when
    (A) Both arms are horizontal
    (B) Semaphore arm lowered but warner arm horizontal
    (C) Both semaphore and warner arms lowered
    (D) None of the above

7. For a sleeper density of (n + 5), the number of sleepers required for constructing a broad gauge railway track of length 650 m is
    (A) 975
    (B) 918
    (C) 900
    (D) 880

8. Ballast best suited to steel sleepers is:
    (A) Sand
    (B) Gravel
    (C) Quartzite
    (D) All the above

9. The staggered rails joints are usually provided on:
    (A) Bridge
    (B) Curves
    (C) Branching
    (D) Tangents

10. The shape of wheels of rolling stock is:
    (A) Tapered with flange on outside
    (B) Parallel with flange on inside
    (C) Tapered with flange on inside
    (D) Parallel with flange on outside

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