Railway Recruitment Departmental Exam On-line Practice Test - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

Railway Recruitment Departmental Exam On-line Practice Test - Set 05

RRB Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. In rainy season the dust in the ballast becomes mud and comes up by suction from below the rail joint. Such joint is called:
    (A) Wet joint
    (B) Water joint
    (C) Pumping joint
    (D) Blowing joint

2. Cant deficiency occurs when a vehicle travels around a curve at
    (A) Equilibrium speed
    (B) Speeds higher than equilibrium speed
    (C) Speeds lower than equilibrium speed
    (D) Booked speed

3. The feeder gauge ___________ is commonly used for feeding raw materials to big Government manufacturing concerns as well as to private factories such as steel plants, oil refineries, sugar factories etc.
    (A) 0.6096 m
    (B) 0.792 m
    (C) 1 m
    (D) 1.676 m

4. Which of the following methods of designation of crossing is mostly used in India?
    (A) Center line method
    (B) Right angle method
    (C) Isosceles angle method
    (D) None of the above

5. The minimum length of a passenger platform for broad gauge railway should not be less than:
    (A) 305 m
    (B) 183 m
    (C) 495 m
    (D) 250 m

6. The treadle bar is provided
    (A) In the middle of the track a little in front of the toes of the tongue rail
    (B) Near and parallel to inner side of one of the rails
    (C) At right angle to the rail
    (D) Near and parallel to inner side of both the rails

7. The Railway provided just below the ground level is called:
    (A) Tube railway
    (B) Underground railway
    (C) Mono railway
    (D) Railway

8. Generally the weight/meter of the rails used in broad gauge is:
    (A) 55 kg
    (B) 45 kg
    (C) 35 kg
    (D) 65 kg

9. The limiting value of cant excess for Broad Gauge is
    (A) 55 mm
    (B) 65 mm
    (C) 75 mm
    (D) 100 mm

10. The correct relation between curve lead (CL), switch lead (SL) and lead of crossing (L) is given by
    (A) CL = L - SL
    (B) L = CL - SL
    (C) SL = L + CL
    (D) L = (CL + SL)/2

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