Practice Test: Question Set - 03
1. If ‘δ’ is the declination of the Polaris and ‘λ’ is the latitude of the place, the azimuth of the Polaris, is
- (A) cos δ/cos λ
- (B) cos (90° - δ)/cos (90° - λ)
- (C) sin (90° - δ)/sin (90° - λ)
- (D) tan (90° + δ)/tan (90° + λ)
2. The relief displacement of a building 72 m high on photograph is 7.2 mm and its top appears 10 cm away from principal point. The flying height of the camera, is
- (A) 500 m
- (B) 1000 m
- (C) 1500 m
- (D) 2000 m
3. 23 cm × 23 cm photographs are taken from a flying height with a camera of focal length of 3600 m and 15.23 cm respectively. A parallax difference of 0.01 mm represents
- (A) 1 m
- (B) 2 m
- (C) 4 m
- (D) 8 m
4. The most convenient co-ordinate system for specifying the relative positions of heavenly bodies on the celestial sphere, is
- (A) Altitude and
azimuth system
- (B) Declination
and hour angle system
- (C) Declination
and right ascension system
- (D) Declination
and altitude system
5. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
- (A) The star's
movement is apparent due to the actual steady rotation of the earth about its
- (B) The stars
move round in circular concentrated parts
- (C) The
centre of the circular paths of stars is the celestial pole
- (D) All the
6. International Date Line is located along
- (A) Standard
- (B) Greenwich
- (C) Equator
- (D) 180°
7. Homologous points are
- (A) Opposite
corners of a photograph
- (B) Nodal
points of the camera lens
- (C) Corresponding
points on the ground and photograph
- (D) Plumb
points of stereo pair of photographs
8. The point on the celestial sphere vertically below the observer's position, is called
- (A) Zenith
- (B) Celestial
- (C) Nadir
- (D) Pole
9. If α is the observed altitude, the refraction correction in seconds, is
- (A) 58" cot
- (B) 58" tan
- (C) 58 sin α
- (D) 58 cos α
10. Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the azimuth when it is
- (A) At
- (B) At
- (C) Neither
at culmination nor at elongation
- (D) Either
at culmination or at elongation
11. The station pointer is generally used in
- (A) Triangulation
- (B) Astronomical
- (C) Hydrographical
- (D) Photogrammetric
12. While making astronomical observations, the observer is mainly concerned with
- (A) The
direction of the vertical, the axis of rotation of the instrument
- (B) The
direction of the poles of the celestial sphere
- (C) The
direction of the star from the instrument
- (D) All
the above
13. Right ascension of a heavenly body is its equatorial angular distance measured
- (A) Westward
from the first point of Libra
- (B) Eastward
from the first point of Aeries
- (C) Westward
from the first point of Aeries
- (D) Eastward
from the first point of Libra
14. The correction applied to the measured base of length ‘L’ is
- (A) Tension = (P - Ps)L/AE
- (B) Sag = L3w²/24P² where w is
the weight of tape/m
- (C) Slope = (h²/2L)
+ (h4/8L3) where h is
height difference of end supports
- (D) All the
15. Pick up the in-correct statement from the following:
- (A) Apparent
solar time is measured from the lower transit of the true sun
- (B) Mean
solar time is measured from the lower transit of the mean sun
- (C) Sidereal
time is measured from the lower transit of the first point of Aries
- (D) Sidereal
time is measured from the upper transit of the first point of Aries
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