Practice Test: Question Set - 13
1. At western elongation, the pole star moves
- (A) Eastward
- (B) Westward
- (C) Northward
- (D) Southward
2. The difference of parallax for a given difference in elevation is independent of
- (A) Focal length
of the camera
- (B) Overall size
of the photo graphs
- (C) Percentage
of overlap
- (D) All the
3. The maximum error in radial line assumption, is
- (A) h/H
f tan θ
- (B) h/H
f² tan θ
- (C) h/H
f² sin θ
- (D) h/H
f cos θ
4. The great circle whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the earth, is called
- (A) Equator
- (B) Terrestrial
- (C) 0° latitude
- (D) All the
5. The rate of change of parallax dp/dh with respect to change in h, may be expressed as
- (A) fB/(H - h)
- (B) fB/(H - h)2
- (C) fB/(H + h)
- (D) fB/(H + h)2
6. At lower culmination, the pole star moves
- (A) Eastward
- (B) Westward
- (C) Northward
- (D) Southward
7. The principal plane contains
- (A) Nadir point
- (B) Iso-centre
- (C) Principal
- (D) All the
8. If a star whose declination is 60° N culminates at zenith, its altitude at the lower culmination, is
- (A) 10°
- (B) 20°
- (C) 30°
- (D) 40°
9. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
- (A) The plane
passing through the perspective centre of a stereo pair and a ground point, is
known as basal plane
- (B) Each
pair of image points on stereo pair have their own basal plane
- (C) Relative
orientation means reconstructing the basal plane
- (D) All the
10. The Polaris describes a small circle round the pole whose radius is approximately
- (A) 1°
- (B) 2°
- (C) 3°
- (D) 4°
11. The normal longitudinal overlap is generally kept
- (A) 50 %
- (B) 60 %
- (C) 70 %
- (D) 75 %
12. In a truly vertical photograph,
- (A) Principal
point coincides the isocenter
- (B) Iso-centre coincides
the plumb point
- (C) Plumb point
coincides the principal point
- (D) All the
13. Parallax bar measures
- (A) Parallax
- (B) Height
- (C) Parallax
- (D) Height
14. The time interval between successive transits of the moon, is
- (A) 24 hours 10
- (B) 20 hours 25
- (C) 24
hours 50 minutes
- (D) 23 hours 50
15. From the principal point the horizon point lies on the principal line at a distance of
- (A) f tan θ
- (B) f sin θ
- (C) f cot θ
- (D) f cos θ
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