Advanced Surveying Test Exam Preparation - Set 09 - ObjectiveBooks

Advanced Surveying Test Exam Preparation - Set 09

Practice Test: Question Set - 09

1. The zenith is the point on the celestial sphere
    (A) East of observer
    (B) West of observer
    (C) North of observer
    (D) South of observer

2. Rotation of the camera at exposure about its vertical axis, is known as
    (A) Swing
    (B) Tilt
    (C) Tip
    (D) None of these

3. In a spherical triangle ABC, right angled at C, sin b equals
    (A) sin a cos A
    (B) cos a sin A
    (C) tan a cot A
    (D) cot A tan a

4. The position of the sun when its north declination is maximum is known as
    (A) Vernal equinox
    (B) Autumnal equinox
    (C) Summer solstice
    (D) Winter solstice

5. Sidereal day
    (A) Is the period of time taken by the earth in making a complete rotation with reference to stars
    (B) Is slightly shorter than an ordinary solar day
    (C) Is divided into the conventional hours, minutes and seconds
    (D) All the above

6. If θ and δ be the latitude of an observer and declination of a heavenly body respectively, the upper culmination of the body will be south of zenith if its zenith distance, is
    (A) δ - θ
    (B) θ - δ
    (C) θ + δ
    (D) ½ (θ - δ)

7. With standard meridian as 82° 30' E the standard time at longitude 90° E is 8 h 30 m. The local mean time at the place will be
    (A) 7 h 00 m
    (B) 7 h 30 m
    (C) 8 h 00 m
    (D) 9 h 00 m

8. The scale of a vertical photograph of focal length ‘f’ taken from height of ‘H’ metres above M.S.L., at a point of reduced level ‘h’, is
    (A) f/H
    (B) f/(H + h)
    (C) f/(H - h)
    (D) (H - h)/f

9. The latitude of a place was obtained by subtracting the declination of a star from its zenith distance, the observed star was between
    (A) Horizon and equator
    (B) Zenith and pole
    (C) Equator and zenith
    (D) Pole and horizon

10. Systematic errors
    (A) Always follow some definite mathematical law
    (B) Can be removed by applying corrections to the observed values
    (C) Are also known as cumulative errors
    (D) All the above

11. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The principal point coincides with plumb point on a true vertical photograph
    (B) The top of a hill appears on a truly vertical photograph at greater distance than its bottom from the principal point
    (C) The top of a hill is represented on a vertical photograph at larger scale than the area of a nearby valley
    (D) All the above

12. The position of a heavenly body on the celestial sphere can be completely specified by
    (A) Its altitude and azimuth
    (B) Its declination and hour angle
    (C) Its declination and right ascension
    (D) All the above

13. A star is said to elongate
    (A) When the star momentarily moves vertically
    (B) When the angle at the star of the spherical triangle is 90°
    (C) When the star's declination is greater than the observer's latitude
    (D) All the above

14. The elevation of the star at elongation is obtained by
    (A) sin α = sin φ cosec δ
    (B) sin α = sin φ sec δ
    (C) sin α = cos φ sec δ
    (D) sin α = cos φ cosec δ

15. If the altitudes of a star at its upper and lower transits are 60° 30' and 19° 30' respectively, the latitude of the place, is
    (A) 30°
    (B) 35°
    (C) 30°
    (D) 45°

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