Multiple Choice Questions on Advanced Surveying - Set 04 - ObjectiveBooks

Multiple Choice Questions on Advanced Surveying - Set 04

Practice Test: Question Set - 04

1. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) Aerial photographs may be either vertical or oblique
    (B) Vertical photographs are taken with the axis of camera pointing vertically downward
    (C) Vertical photographs are used for most accurate maps
    (D) All the above

2. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) Ursa Minor's remains always north of pole star
    (B) Polar star remains always north of Polaris
    (C) Polaris remains always north of Ursa Minor's
    (D) Ursa Minor's pole star and Polaris are the names of the same star

3. The following points form a pair of homologous points:
    (A) Photo principal point and ground principal point
    (B) Photo isocenter and ground isocenter
    (C) Photo plumb point and ground plumb point
    (D) All the above

4. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The measured stereoscopic base of photographs is obtained by dividing the air base in metres by the mean scale of the photograph
    (B) The difference between the absolute parallax of two points depends upon the difference in their elevations
    (C) The line joining the principal point of a photograph and the transferred principal point of the adjoining photograph, is called stereoscopic base
    (D) All the above

5. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
    (A) Latitudes north of the equator are taken as positive
    (B) Latitudes south of the equator are taken as negative
    (C) Longitudes east of Greenwich are taken as negative
    (D) Longitudes west of Greenwich are taken as positive

6. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The sun's right ascension increases for 0 h to 24 h when it returns to the First point of Aries
    (B) The maximum declination of the sun increases up to 23½° N on about 21st June
    (C) The minimum declination of the sun is zero' on 22nd September
    (D) All the above

7. The main object of the astronomer to obtain
    (A) Astronomical latitude
    (B) Astronomical longitude
    (C) Astronomical bearing
    (D) All of these

8. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) If the applied tension to the tape is more than the standard, the tension correction is positive
    (B) If the applied tension to the tape is less than the standard, the tension correction is negative
    (C) If the temperature during measurement is greater than the standard temperature, the temperature correction is positive
    (D) All the above

9. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) Sidereal time at any instant is equal to the hour angle of the first point of Aries
    (B) Local sidereal time of any place is equal to the right ascension of its meridian
    (C) Sidereal time is equal to the right ascension of a star at its upper transit
    (D) All the above

10. The latitude of a place was obtained by subtracting the zenith distance of a star from its declination, the observed star was between
    (A) Horizon and equator
    (B) Equator and zenith
    (C) Zenith and pole
    (D) Pole and horizon

11. The stereo plotting instruments are generally manufactured on the principle of
    (A) Optical projection
    (B) Optical mechanism projection
    (C) Mechanical projection
    (D) All the above

12. The altitudes of a circumpolar star at culminations are 70° and 10°, both culminations being north of zenith. The latitude of the place, is
    (A) 80°
    (B) 70°
    (C) 60°
    (D) 40°

13. If the general ground level of any area is 10% of the flying height, the principal points may be used as the centers of radial directions for small scale mapping even in tilted photograph up to
    (A) 1°
    (B) 2°
    (C) 3°
    (D) 4°

14. The plane at right angle to the zenith-nadir line and passing through the centre of the earth, is called
    (A) Rational horizon
    (B) True horizon
    (C) Celestial horizon
    (D) All the above

15. The equation which is obtained by multiplying each equation by the coefficient of its unknowns and by adding the equations thus formed, is known as
    (A) Observation equation
    (B) Conditional equation
    (C) Normal equation
    (D) None of these

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