Online Aptitude Test for Civil Engineering Building Construction - Set 17 - ObjectiveBooks

Online Aptitude Test for Civil Engineering Building Construction - Set 17

Practice Test: Question Set - 17

1. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
    (A) Cement is added to lime mortar to increase its hydraulic properties only
    (B) Lime surkhi mortar is used for pointing the walls
    (C) Lime should be slaked before preparing lime mortar
    (D) High early strength concrete is generally used in cold weather

2. Pile foundation is generally provided if soil is
    (A) Compressible
    (B) Water logged
    (C) Made up
    (D) All the above

3. Bearing capacity of soils cannot be improved by
    (A) Draining sub-soil water
    (B) Ramming crushed stone in soil
    (C) Driving sand piles
    (D) Watering surface of soil

4. Rotary drilling is the fastest method in case of
    (A) Rocky soils
    (B) Clay soils
    (C) Sandy soil
    (D) All of these

5. The concrete slump recommended for beams and slabs; is
    (A) 25 to 50 mm
    (B) 25 to 75 mm
    (C) 30 to 125 mm
    (D) 50 to 100 mm

6. The alignment of a cross joint along the plumb line is
    (A) Bed block
    (B) Perpend
    (C) Lintel
    (D) Vertical line

7. A projecting piece usually provided to support a truss, is
    (A) Cornice
    (B) Coping
    (C) Frieze
    (D) Lintel

8. Best type of piles for soft soil having little resistance to the flow of concrete, is
    (A) Simplex pile
    (B) Vibro pile
    (C) Raymond pile
    (D) Franki pile

9. The form work from the underside of slabs, can be removed only after
    (A) 1 day
    (B) 4 days
    (C) 7 days
    (D) 14 days

10. Couple roof is used for spans
    (A) 3.5 m or less
    (B) 3.5 m but less than 5 m
    (C) 5 m but less than 6.5 m
    (D) 6.5 m but less than 8 m

11. For heavy embankments and dams, of height h, the depth of exploration of soil should not be less than
    (A) h/4
    (B) 1/2 h
    (C) h
    (D) 2 h

12. The vertical member running through middle of a shutter frame, is
    (A) Style
    (B) Reveal
    (C) Mullion
    (D) Post

13. The lower half portion between crown and skew back of the arch, is called
    (A) Spandril
    (B) Haunch
    (C) Springing
    (D) Soffit

14. An arch may fail due to
    (A) Uneven settlement of abutments
    (B) Sliding of voussoirs
    (C) Crushing of the material
    (D) All the above

15. The exterior angle between outer faces of a wall, is known as
    (A) Turn
    (B) Junction
    (C) Quion
    (D) All the above

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