Theory of Structures Civil Engineering Questions and Answers - Set 02 - ObjectiveBooks

Theory of Structures Civil Engineering Questions and Answers - Set 02

Practice Test: Question Set - 02

1. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The point of intersection of the bending axis with the cross section of the beam, is called shear centre
    (B) For I sections, the shear centre coincides with the centroid of the cross section of the beam
    (C) For channels, the shear centre does not coincide its centroid
    (D) All the above

2. Keeping breadth constant, depth of a cantilever of length ‘l’ of uniform strength loaded with uniformly distributed load ‘w’ varies from zero at the free end and
    (A) 2w/σb × l at the fixed end
    (B) √(3w/σb × l) at the fixed end
    (C) √(2w/σb × l) at the fixed end
    (D) 3w/σd × l at the fixed end

3. If a three hinged parabolic arch, (span l, rise h) is carrying a uniformly distributed load w/unit length over the entire span,
    (A) Horizontal thrust is wl2/8h
    (B) S.F. will be zero throughout
    (C) B.M. will be zero throughout
    (D) All the above

4. The force in BC of the truss shown in the given figure, is
Theory of Structures-Set 02, Question 04
    (A) 3.0 t compression
    (B) 3.0 t tension
    (C) (3√3/2) t tension
    (D) (3√3/2) t compression

5. P = π2 EI/L2 is the equation for Euler's crippling load if
    (A) Both the ends are fixed
    (B) Both the ends are hinged
    (C) One end is fixed and other end is free
    (D) One end is fixed and other end is hinged

6. The degree of indeterminacy of the frame in the given figure, is
Theory of Structures-Set 02, Question 06
    (A) Zero
    (B) 1
    (C) 2
    (D) 3

7. The forces in the members of simple trusses, may be analyzed by
    (A) Graphical method
    (B) Method of joints
    (C) Method of sections
    (D) All the above

8. A simply supported beam A carries a point load at its mid span. Another identical beam B carries the same load but uniformly distributed over the entire span. The ratio of the maximum deflections of the beams A and B, will be
    (A) 2/3
    (B) 3/2
    (C) 5/8
    (D) 8/5

9. A road of uniform cross-section A and length L is deformed by δ, when subjected to a normal force P. The Young's Modulus E of the material, is
    (A) E = P. δ/A. L
    (B) E = A. δ/P. L
    (C) E = P. L/A. δ
    (D) E = P. A/L. δ

10. In case of a simply supported I-section beam of span L and loaded with a central load W, the length of elasto-plastic zone of the plastic hinge, is
    (A) L/2
    (B) L/3
    (C) L/4
    (D) L/5

11. The ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress of a circular beam, is
    (A) 2/3
    (B) 3/2
    (C) 3/4
    (D) 4/3

12. For calculating the permissible stress σ0 = σy /[(1 + a(l/r)2] is the empirical formula, known as
    (A) Straight line formula
    (B) Parabolic formula
    (C) Perry's formula
    (D) Rankine's formula

13. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) In a loaded beam, the moment at which the first yield occurs is called yield moment
    (B) In a loaded beam, the moment at which the entire section of the beam becomes fully plastic, is called plastic moment
    (C) In a fully plastic stage of the beam, the neutral axis divides the section in two sections of equal area
    (D) All the above

14. For a strongest rectangular beam cut from a circular log, the ratio of the width and depth, is
    (A) 0.303
    (B) 0.404
    (C) 0.505
    (D) 0.707

15. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) Mcg = M √(M2 + r2) where letters carry their usual meanings
    (B) Tcp = √(m2 + T2)where letters carry their usual meanings
    (C) The torque which when acting alone would produce maximum shear stress equal to the maximum shear stress caused by the combined bending and torsion, is called equivalent torque
    (D) All the above

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