Practice Test: Question Set - 03
1. Which of the following signs is used to back up over typing errors in vi?
- (A) @
- (B) #
- (C) $
- (D) !
2. The command which transcribes the standard input to the standard output and also makes a copy of the same in a file is
- (A) tee
- (B) tr
- (C) sort
- (D) grep
3. Which command is used to list out all the hidden files along with the other files?
- (A) ls -l
- (B) ls -x
- (C) ls -F
- (D) ls -a
4. The octal representation 652 indicates
- (A) Execute
permission for the owner
- (B) Write
permission for others
- (C) Read
and write permission of groups
- (D) None
of the above
5. Which of the following commands is used to list contents of directories?
- (A) ls
- (B) lp
- (C) dir
- (D) tar
6. Which of the following commands is used to assign executable permission to the owner of the file named "note"?
- (A) chmod g+x
- (B) chmod u+w
- (C) chmod u+x
- (D) chmod ugo+x
7. The command that can be used to restrict incoming messages to a user is
- (A) mesg
- (B) grep
- (C) halt
- (D) sleep
8. In vi editor, forward search is performed using the command.
- (A) :pat
- (B) ?pat
- (C) /pat
- (D) None
of the above
9. Which of the following commands is used to change the working directory?
- (A) cd
- (B) changedir
- (C) chdir
- (D) cdir
10. Which option is used with cmp command to give a detailed list of the byte number and the differing bytes in octal for each character that differs in both the files?
- (A) -l
- (B) -d
- (C) -r
- (D) -b
11. The % key allows you
- (A) To
move the cursor to a matching delimiter, when a delimiters a parenthesis, a
bracket, or a brace
- (B) To
move the cursor to the upper left corner of the screen
- (C) To
move the cursor backward to the beginning of a word
- (D) To
move the cursor to the first column in the current line
12. Which command is used to copy the three files wb, collect and mon into the misc directory, under the same, when you were currently in the programs directory?
- (A) copy wb
../misc collect ../misc mon ../misc
- (B) cp wb
collect mon ../misc
- (C) copy wb
collect mon /misc
- (D) tar wb
collect mon /misc
13. Which command will be used with vi editor to append text at end of line?
- (A) A
- (B) a
- (C) i
- (D) l
14. Which command is used to make all files and sub-directories in the directory (progs) executable by all users?
- (A) chmod -R a+x
- (B) chmod -R 222
- (C) chmod -1 a+x
- (D) chmod -x a+x
15. Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in alphabetical order?
- (A) sort
- (B) sh
- (C) st
- (D) sort -r
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