Unix Linux Online Practice Test - Set 08 - ObjectiveBooks

Unix Linux Online Practice Test - Set 08

Practice Test: Question Set - 08

1. Which command allows you to view your file 24 lines at a time?
    (A) more
    (B) pg
    (C) cat
    (D) lp

2. Which command is used to display the characteristics of a process?
    (A) pid
    (B) du
    (C) ps
    (D) au

3. Which of the following keys is used to overstrike a whole line?
    (A) R
    (B) v
    (C) C
    (D) u

4. Which of the following commands is not the vi Input mode command?
    (A) rch
    (B) R
    (C) S
    (D) j

5. Which option will be used with ps command to show the entire command line of the process being run?
    (A) -4
    (B) -f
    (C) -1
    (D) -2

6. Which command is used to list all the files with extension .lst?
    (A) ls -l *.lst
    (B) ls lst*
    (C) ls *.*
    (D) ls *[lst]

7. Which of the following special shell variables is used to process number of the current shell?
    (A) $!
    (B) $$
    (C) $0
    (D) $*

8. Which option will be used with touch command to change the access time?
    (A) -a
    (B) -b
    (C) -t
    (D) -h

9. Which command is used with vi editor to search a pattern in the forward direction?
    (A) /
    (B) ?
    (C) //
    (D) ??

10. Which command is used with vi editor to move the cursor to the left?
    (A) i
    (B) j
    (C) k
    (D) h

11. Which command is used to change protection mode of files starting with the string emp and ending with 1,2, or 3?
    (A) chmod u+x emp[1-3]
    (B) chmod 777 emp*
    (C) chmod u+r ??? emp
    (D) chmod 222 emp?

12. Which command is used to change directory to the name beginning with a 'p'?
    (A) cd p
    (B) cd p?
    (C) cd p*
    (D) cd [p]

13. Which command is used with vi editor to move cursor forward to first occurrence of character 'ch' in the current line?
    (A) tch
    (B) fch
    (C) rch
    (D) ech

14. The command to count the number of files in the current directory by using pipes, is
    (A) ls | wc
    (B) ls -l | wc -l
    (C) ls | wc -w
    (D) ls | ws -c

15. Which symbol is used to separate more than one command in the same command line?
    (A) $
    (B) #
    (C) :
    (D) ;

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