Practice Test: Question Set - 04
1. Which of the following shell's wildcards are used to match any number of characters including none?
- (A) [ijk]
- (B) [!ijk]
- (C) ?
- (D) *
2. Which column contains all details of the permissions of a file when you issue the ls -l command?
- (A) Second
- (B) Fourth
- (C) Third
- (D) First
3. Which is the earliest and most widely used shell that came with the UNIX system?
- (A) C
- (B) Korn
- (C) Bourne
- (D) Smith
4. You can append to a file instead of overwriting by using the
- (A) >
- (B) >>
- (C) <
- (D) <<
5. Which option will be used with sort command to start sorting ofter the nth column of the (m+l)th field?
- (A) -m.n
- (B) +m.n
- (C) + n.m+1
- (D) +(m+l).n
6. The ls -l command tells
- (A) Who
the owner of the file is
- (B) The
name of the group owner of the file
- (C) How
large the file is and when the file was last modified
- (D) All
of the above
7. The UNIX file system stores a data in physical blocks of
- (A) 1024
- (B) 2048
- (C) 512
- (D) 256
8. Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order
- (A) sort
- (B) sh
- (C) st
- (D) sort -r
9. Which of the following commands can be used to get information about all users who are currently logged into the system?
- (A) which
- (B) who
- (C) who am i
- (D) 1 /u
10. Which of are following internal commands is used in mail to forward mail to user in user-list?
- (A) r
- (B) m user-list
- (C) d user-list
- (D) e user-list
11. Which command is used to extract specific columns from the file?
- (A) cat
- (B) cut
- (C) grep
- (D) paste
12. Which of the following is not a filter?
- (A) cat
- (B) grep
- (C) wc
- (D) None
of the above
13. Which of the following command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file?
- (A) wc -l
- (B) wc -c
- (C) wc -w
- (D) wc -r
14. Which of the following files will displayed by this command cat *ch*
- (A) patch
- (B) catch
- (C) .ch
- (D) All
of the above
15. Which of the following is invalid filename?
- (A) shutry
- (B) TRY
- (C) trial
- (D) None of the
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