Unix MCQ Questions and Answers - Set 07 - ObjectiveBooks

Unix MCQ Questions and Answers - Set 07

Practice Test: Question Set - 07

1. The first set of the three permissions (rw) pertains to the owner of the file, indicating that the owner has
    (A) Executable permission only
    (B) Write and executable permissions
    (C) Both read and executable permissions
    (D) Both read and write permissions

2. Which of the following commands is used to obtain a list of all files by modification time?
    (A) ls -1
    (B) ls -t
    (C) ls -i
    (D) ls -R

3. Which option will be used with disk free command to include the total amount of disk space in the file system?
    (A) -t
    (B) -tt
    (C) -4
    (D) -i

4. Which command is used to terminate all processes in your own system except the login shell?
    (A) kill 1
    (B) kill 0
    (C) cancel all
    (D) cancel 1

5. Which of the following commands is used to display your working directory?
    (A) dir
    (B) prompt $p$g
    (C) pwd
    (D) path

6. Which of the following commands is used to rename a file?
    (A) rename
    (B) remove
    (C) mv
    (D) ren

7. Which command is used to save the standard output in a file, as well as display it on the terminal?
    (A) more
    (B) cat
    (C) grep
    (D) tee

8. Which command is used to copy all files having the string chap and any two characters after that to the progs directory?
    (A) cp chap?? progs
    (B) cp chap* progs
    (C) cp chap[12] /progs/*.*
    (D) cp chap?? /progs/*

9. Which command will be used with vi editor to replace single character under cursor with any number of characters?
    (A) s
    (B) S
    (C) a
    (D) i

10. Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the end of a line?
    (A) ^pat
    (B) $pat
    (C) pat$
    (D) pat^

11. The Octal number to be given along with chmod command to make a file readable, writable and executable to the owner, readable and executable to group and others is:
    (A) 000
    (B) 755
    (C) 744
    (D) 555

12. Which of the following commands is used to get directory one level up?
    (A) cd
    (B) cd ..
    (C) cd/
    (D) chdir

13. The cat command is used to
    (A) Capture a file
    (B) Display a file
    (C) Print a file
    (D) Copy a file

14. Which command is used to count just the number of characters in a file?
    (A) wc - 1
    (B) wc -c
    (C) wc -w
    (D) wc -r

15. Which command is used to display the end of the file?
    (A) head - r
    (B) tail
    (C) eof
    (D) bof

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