Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering MCQ Test - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering MCQ Test - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. A plane inclined at an angle ‘φ’ to the horizontal at which the soil is expected to stay in the absence of any lateral support, is known as
    (A) Natural slope line
    (B) Repose line
    (C) The φ line
    (D) All the above

2. Rise of water table above the ground surface causes
    (A) Equal increase in pore water pressure and total stress
    (B) Equal decrease in pore water pressure and total stress
    (C) Increase in pore water pressure but decrease in total stress
    (D) Decrease in pore water pressure but increase in total stress

3. Terzaghi’s theory of one dimensional consolidation assumes
    (A) Soil is homogeneous and fully saturated
    (B) Water and soil particles are incompressible
    (C) Deformation of the soil, is entirely due to change in volume
    (D) All the above

4. If the material of the base of the Casagrande liquid limit device on which the cup containing soil paste drops is softer than the standard hard rubber, then
    (A) The liquid limit of soil always increases
    (B) The liquid limit of soil always decreases
    (C) The liquid limit of soil may increase
    (D) The liquid limit of soil may decrease

5. A tri-axial shear test is preferred to direct shear test, because
    (A) It can be performed under all three drainage conditions with complete control
    (B) Precise measurement of pore pressure and change in volume during test, is not possible
    (C) Stress distribution on the failure plane, is non uniform
    (D) None of these

6. The average coefficient of permeability of natural deposits
    (A) Parallel to stratification is always greater than that perpendicular to stratification
    (B) Parallel to stratification is always less than that perpendicular to stratification
    (C) Is always same in both directions
    (D) Parallel to stratification may or may not be greater than that perpendicular to stratification

7. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The dry density reduces by addition of water after attaining optimum moisture content
    (B) The line joining the peak of three moisture content graphs obtained by using three compactive energies, is called line of optimus
    (C) Well graded coarse grained soils can be compacted to a very high density as compared to fine grained soils
    (D) All the above

8. The shear strength of a soil
    (A) Is directly proportional to the angle of internal friction of the soil
    (B) Is inversely proportional to the angle of internal friction of the soil
    (C) Decreases with increase in normal stress
    (D) Decreases with decrease in normal stress

9. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The object of classifying soils is to arrange them into groups according to their properties and behaviour
    (B) A soil classification system is meant to provide an accepted and systematic method of describing the various types of soils eliminating personal factors
    (C) The first category of soil classification is based on grain size of the soil
    (D) All the above

10. The major principal stress in an element of cohesion-less soil within the backfill of a retaining wall is
    (A) Vertical if the soil is in an active state of plastic equilibrium
    (B) Vertical if the soil is in a passive state of plastic equilibrium
    (C) Inclined at 45° to the vertical plane
    (D) None of the above

11. A grillage foundation
    (A) Is provided for heavily loaded isolated columns
    (B) Is treated as spread foundation
    (C) Consists of two sets of perpendicularly placed steel beams
    (D) All the above

12. Effective stress on soil
    (A) Increases voids ratio and decreases permeability
    (B) Increases both voids ratio and permeability
    (C) Decreases both voids ratio and permeability
    (D) Decreases voids ratio and increases permeability

13. Hydrometer readings are corrected for:
    (A) Temperature correction
    (B) Meniscus correction
    (C) Dispersing agent correction
    (D) Temperature, meniscus and dispersing agent corrections

14. The ultimate consolidation settlement of a structure resting on a soil
    (A) Decreases with the increase in the initial voids ratio
    (B) Decreases with the decrease in the plastic limit
    (C) Increases with the increase in the initial voids ratio
    (D) Increases with the decrease in the porosity of the soil

15. Select the incorrect statement.
    (A) In a direct shear box test, the plane of shear failure is predetermined
    (B) Better control is achieved on the drainage of the soil in a tri-axial compression test
    (C) Stress distribution on the failure plane in the case of tri-axial compression test is uniform
    (D) Unconfined compression test can be carried out on all types of soils

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