Soil mechanics Civil Engineering Questions Answers - Set 02 - ObjectiveBooks

Soil mechanics Civil Engineering Questions Answers - Set 02

Practice Test: Question Set - 02

1. Factor of safety against sliding of a slope, is the ratio of
    (A) Actual cohesion to that required to maintain stability of slope
    (B) Shear strength to shear stress along the surface
    (C) Neither (a) nor (b)
    (D) Both (a) and (b)

2. The angle of internal friction, is least for
    (A) Angular-grained loose sand
    (B) Angular -grained dense sand
    (C) Round-grained loose sand
    (D) Clays

3. Dispersed type of soil structure is an arrangement comprising particles having
    (A) Face to face or parallel orientation
    (B) Edge to edge orientation
    (C) Edge to face orientation
    (D) All of the above

4. The neutral stress in a soil mass is
    (A) Force per neutral area
    (B) Force per effective area
    (C) Stress taken up by the pore water
    (D) Stress taken up by solid particles

5. The coefficient of compressibility of soil, is the ratio of
    (A) Stress to strain
    (B) Strain to stress
    (C) Stress to settlement
    (D) Rate of loading to that of settlement

6. A clay subjected to pressure in excess to its present over-burden, is said to be
    (A) Pre-compressed
    (B) Pre-consolidated
    (C) Over-consolidated
    (D) All the above

7. Physical properties of a permeant which influence permeability are
    (A) Viscosity only
    (B) Unit weight only
    (C) Both viscosity and unit weight
    (D) None of the above

8. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The range of water content between the liquid limit and plastic limit is called plasticity index
    (B) The ratio of the liquid limit minus the natural water content to the plasticity index of soils, is called consistency index
    (C) The ratio of natural water content minus its plastic limit to its plasticity index is called liquidity index
    (D) All the above

9. Rankine's theory of active earth pressure assumes
    (A) Soil mass is homogeneous, dry and cohesionless
    (B) Ground surface is a plane which may be horizontal or inclined
    (C) Back of the wall is vertical and smooth
    (D) All the above

10. For testing a saturated clay for shear strength, the test recommended, is
    (A) Direct shear test
    (B) Triaxial compression test
    (C) Unconfined compression test
    (D) All the above

11. Coefficient of permeability of soil
    (A) Does not depend upon temperature
    (B) Increases with the increase in temperature
    (C) Increases with the decrease in temperature
    (D) None of the above

12. The ratio of volume of air voids to the volume of total voids, is known as
    (A) Air content
    (B) Percentage air voids
    (C) Percentage voids
    (D) Porosity

13. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) In soils, the flow index indicates variation in shear strength with water content
    (B) Liquid limit minus plastic limit, is known as plasticity index of the soil
    (C) Plastic limit minus shrinkage limit, is known as shrinkage index of the soil
    (D) All the above

14. The triaxial apparatus is usually used for
    (A) Unconsolidated-undrained test
    (B) Consolidated-undrained test
    (C) Drained test
    (D) All the above tests

15. Which one of the following clays behaves like a dense sand?
    (A) Over-consolidated clay with a high over-consolidation ratio
    (B) Over-consolidated clay with a low over-consolidation ratio
    (C) Normally consolidated clay
    (D) Under-consolidated clay

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