Objective Practice Test Foundation Engineering - Set 10 - ObjectiveBooks

Objective Practice Test Foundation Engineering - Set 10

Practice Test: Question Set - 10

1. A soil sample of mass specific gravity 1.92 has moisture content 30%. If the specific gravity of solids is 2.75, the degree of saturation, is
    (A) 95.4 %
    (B) 95.5 %
    (C) 95.6 %
    (D) 95.7 %

2. Select the correct range of density index, ID
    (A) ID > 0
    (B) ID < 0
    (C) 0 < ID < 1
    (D) 0 ≤ ID ≤ 1

3. A soil sample of mass specific gravity 1.92 has moisture content 30%. If the specific gravity of solids is 2.75, the void ratio, is
    (A) 0.858
    (B) 0.860
    (C) 0.862
    (D) 0.864

4. If the specific gravity and voids in soil sample are 'G' and 'e' respectively, the hydraulic gradient 'i', is
    (A) (G - 1)/(1 + e)
    (B) (G + 1)/(1 - e)
    (C) (1 - G)/(1 + e)
    (D) (1 + G)/(1 + e)

5. In a flow net
    (A) Flow lines and equipotential lines cross each other at right angles
    (B) Fields are rectangles whose length is twice the breadth
    (C) Smaller the dimensions of the field, smaller will be the hydraulic gradient and velocity of flow through it
    (D) For homogeneous soil, the curves are smooth and circular

6. Which of the following methods is most accurate for the determination of the water content of soil?
    (A) Oven drying method
    (B) Sand bath method
    (C) Calcium carbide method
    (D) Pycnometer method

7. The earth pressure of a soil at rest, is proportional to (where φ is the angle of internal friction of the soil)
    (A) tan (45° - φ)
    (B) tan (45° + φ)
    (C) tan2 (45° - φ)
    (D) None of these

8. The reduction in volume of soil due to squeezing out of water from the voids, is termed
    (A) Primary consolidation
    (B) Primary compression
    (C) Primary time effect
    (D) All the above

9. Which of the following statements is correct?
    (A) Uniformity coefficient represents the shape of the particle size distribution curve
    (B) For a well graded soil, both uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature are nearly unity
    (C) A soil is said to be well graded if it has most of the particles of about the same size
    (D) None of the above

10. 'Talus' is the soil transported by
    (A) Wind
    (B) Water
    (C) Glacier
    (D) Gravitational force

11. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The void space between the soil grains, is filled partly with air and partly with water
    (B) In perfectly saturated soil, the voids are completely filled with water
    (C) In dry soil, the voids are completely filled with air
    (D) All the above

12. If e0e, σ', σ0' have their usual meanings, the coefficient of compressibility (ac), is given by
    (A) ac = (e - e0)/(e' + e0')
    (B) ac = (e0 - e)/(σ' - σ0')
    (C) ac = (σ' - σ0')/(e0 - e)
    (D) ac = (σ0' - σ')/(e - e0)

13. The water content of soil, which represents the boundary between plastic state and liquid state, is known as
    (A) Liquid limit
    (B) Plastic limit
    (C) Shrinkage limit
    (D) Plasticity index

14. The specific gravity of Calcite is
    (A) 2.65
    (B) 2.72
    (C) 2.85
    (D) 2.90

15. The direct shear test suffers from the following disadvantage:
    (A) Drain condition cannot be controlled
    (B) Pore water pressure cannot be measured
    (C) Shear stress on the failure plane is not uniform
    (D) The area under the shear and vertical loads does not remain constant throughout the test

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