Practice Test: Question Set - 05
1. This is a common method for connecting steel members of buildings and bridges:
- (A) Assembly
- (B) Fabricating
- (C) Riveting
- (D) Welding
2. The 3-D commands on the Modeling toolbar include __________.
- (A) Box
- (B) Sphere
- (C) Extrude
- (D) All
of the above
3. This is the most common application for developments and intersections:
- (A) Sheet
metal construction
- (B) Piping
- (C) Architecture
- (D) Mechanical
4. These are special installations of stone or concrete marking the locations of points accurately determined by precise surveying:
- (A) Topographic
- (B) Hatches
- (C) Monuments
- (D) Pillars
5. These plans, made by the steel fabricator, are assembly drawings for the steel structure:
- (A) Welding
- (B) Assembly
- (C) Construction
- (D) Erection
6. The Press-Pull tool will ________ the face of a solid model in the direction it faces.
- (A) Taper
- (B) Extrude
- (C) Spiral
- (D) None
of the above
7. CAD programs which incorporate parametric modeling utilize a system in which the dimensions control the ________.
- (A) Size
and shape of the model features
- (B) Perspective
of the model
- (C) Shading
used to render the model
- (D) All of the
8. This type of surface may be a plane, a single curved surface, or a warped surface:
- (A) Edge
- (B) Ruled
- (C) Auxiliary surface
- (D) Developed
9. This type of drawing is created to calculate areas, locate property lines, and locate building projects and facilities:
- (A) Traverse
- (B) Contour
- (C) City map
- (D) Plat
10. This type of structural steel drawing shows all dimensions necessary for fabrication:
- (A) Shop
- (B) Design
- (C) Weldment
- (D) Application
11. The MASSPROP shortcut will provide the following information.
- (A) Mass
- (B) Volume
- (C) Bounding box
- (D) All
of the above
12. A secondary auxiliary view is a projection off of the __________.
- (A) Front
- (B) Top
- (C) Primary
auxiliary view
- (D) None
of the above
13. These are lines drawn on a map to locate, in the plan view, points of equal ground elevation:
- (A) Contours
- (B) Elevations
- (C) Profiles
- (D) Hatches
14. The Free Orbit tool is found on the ________ toolbar.
- (A) Rotate
- (B) Move
- (C) Modify
- (D) 3-D Move
15. This is used in drawings to represent the edge of a solid object:
- (A) Angle
- (B) Vertex
- (C) Surface
- (D) Line
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