Practice Test: Question Set - 09
1. Direct method of contouring is
- (A) A quick
- (B) Adopted for
large surveys only
- (C) Most
accurate method
- (D) Suitable for
hilly terrains
2. A lemniscate curve will not be transitional throughout, if its deflection angle, is
- (A) 45°
- (B) 60°
- (C) 90°
- (D) 120°
3. If vertical angles of inclined sights do not exceed 10° and non-verticality of the staff remains within 1°, stadia system of tacheometric observations are made on
- (A) Staff
- (B) Staff
- (C) Staff normal
as well as vertical
- (D) None of
4. The staff reading at a distance of 80 m from a level with the bubble at its centre is 1.31 m. When the bubble is moved by 5 divisions out of the centre, the reading is 1.39 m. The angular value of the one division of the bubble, is
- (A) 28.8 sec
- (B) 41.25 sec
- (C) 14.52 sec
- (D) 25.05 sec
5. On a diagonal scale, it is possible to read up to
- (A) One
- (B) Two
- (C) Three
- (D) Four
6. The methods used for locating the plane table stations are
The correct
answer is
- (A) (i) and (ii)
- (B) (iii) and
- (C) (ii) and
- (D) (i) and
7. Reduced bearing of a line is an angle between
- (A) North
line and given line measured clockwise
- (B) North line
and given line measured anticlockwise
- (C) East or west
and the given line
- (D) Given line
and the part of the meridian whether N end or S end, lying adjacent to it
8. In horizontal angles, the error due to imperfect levelling of the plate bubble is
- (A) Large
when sights are nearly level
- (B) Large
for long sights
- (C) Less for
steeply inclined sights
- (D) Large for
steeply inclined sights
9. If the chain line which runs along N-S direction is horizontal and the ground in E-W direction is sloping
- (A) It is possible
to set offsets correctly on east side
- (B) It is
possible to set offsets correctly on east side
- (C) It is not
possible to set offsets correctly on west side
- (D) It is
possible to set offsets correctly on both sides
10. If ‘h’ is the difference in level between end points separated by ‘l’, then the slope correction is [(h2/2l) + (h4/8l3)]. The second term may be neglected if the value of ‘h’ in a 20 m distance is less than
- (A) ½ m
- (B) 1 m
- (C) 2 m
- (D) 3 m
11. With the rise of temperature, the sensitivity of a bubble tube
- (A) Decreases
- (B) Increases
- (C) Remains
- (D) None
of the above
12. Flint glass
- (A) Has slightly
the greater refracting power than crown glass
- (B) Has roughly
double refracting power than that of crown
- (C) And crown
glass proportions yield the required focal length and neutralise the dispersion
produced by the convex lens at the emergence from the concave
- (D) All the
13. The imaginary line passing through the intersection of cross hairs and the optical centre of the objective, is known as
- (A) Line of
- (B) Line
of collimation
- (C) Axis
of the telescope
- (D) None of
14. During levelling if back sight is more than foresight
- (A) The forward
staff is at lower point
- (B) The back
staff is at lower point
- (C) The
difference in level, cannot be ascertained
- (D) None of
15. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
- (A) The tangent
screw enables to give small movement under conditions of smooth and positive
- (B) Standing on
the tripod is the levelling head or trib arch
- (C) The
levelling screws are used to tilt the instrument so that its rotation axis is
truly vertical
- (D) All the
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