Surveying Objective Questions and Answers - Set 06 - ObjectiveBooks

Surveying Objective Questions and Answers - Set 06

Practice Test: Question Set - 06

1. Select the correct statement.
    (A) Contour interval on any map is kept constant
    (B) Direct method of contouring is cheaper than indirect method
    (C) Intervisibility of points on a contour map cannot be ascertained
    (D) Slope of a hill cannot be determined with the help of contours

2. In tacheometrical observations, vertical staff holding is generally preferred to normal staffing, due to
    (A) Ease of reduction of observations
    (B) Facility of holding
    (C) Minimum effect of careless holding on the result
    (D) None of these

3. Whole circle bearing of a line is preferred to a quadrantal bearing merely because
    (A) Bearing is not completely specified by an angle
    (B) Bearing is completely specified by an angle
    (C) Sign of the correction of magnetic declination is different in different quadrants
    (D) Its Trigonometrical values may be extracted from ordinary tables easily

4. It is more difficult to obtain good results while measuring horizontal distance by stepping
    (A) Up-hill
    (B) Down-hill
    (C) In low undulations
    (D) In plane areas

5. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The apparent error on reversal is twice the actual error
    (B) The correction may be made equal to half the observed discrepancy
    (C) The good results may be obtained from a defective instrument by reversing and taking the mean of two erroneous results
    (D) All the above

6. Which of the following methods of plane table surveying is used to locate the position of an inaccessible point?
    (A) Radiation
    (B) Intersection
    (C) Traversing
    (D) Resection

7. Imaginary line passing through points having equal magnetic declination is termed as
    (A) Isogon
    (B) Agonic line
    (C) Isoclinic line
    (D) None of these

8. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    (A) When the axes of rotation of the graduated circle and the verniers are not coincident, the instrument possesses eccentricity
    (B) The mean of the readings of the two verniers gives correct reading free from the eccentricity
    (C) One Vernier may be used if the readings of two verniers differ by a constant
    (D) All the above

9. In geodetic surveys higher accuracy is achieved, if
    (A) Curvature of the earth surface is ignored
    (B) Curvature of the earth surface is taken into account
    (C) Angles between the curved lines are treated as plane angles
    (D) None of these

10. The bearings of the lines AB and BC are 146° 30' and 68° 30'. The included angle ABC is
    (A) 102°
    (B) 78°
    (C) 45°
    (D) None of these

11. Transit rule of adjusting the consecutive coordinates of a traverse is used where
    (A) Linear and angular measurements of the traverse are of equal accuracy
    (B) Angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements
    (C) Linear measurements are more accurate than angular measurements
    (D) All of the above

12. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The lines of sight while observing back sight and fore sight lie in the same horizontal plane
    (B) The staff readings are measurements made vertically downwards from a horizontal plane
    (C) The horizontal plane with reference to which staff readings are taken, coincides with the level surface through the telescope axis
    (D) All the above

13. The operation of resection involves the following steps
  1. Rough orientation of the plane table
  2. The three lines form a triangle of error
  3. Drawing lines back through the three control points
  4. Select a point in the triangle of error such that each ray is equally rotated either clockwise or anti clockwise
  5. The points obtained by three rays are the correct location.
The correct sequence is
    (A) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
    (B) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    (C) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5
    (D) 1, 3, 2, 4, 5

14. The lens equation 1/f = 1/f1 + 1/f2 is applicable
    (A) When the thickness of the lens is small
    (B) Only to conjugate distances along the principal axis
    (C) The computed quantities are accurate enough for geometrical optics of simple distances
    (D) All the above

15. For true difference in elevations between two points ‘A’ and ‘B’, the level must be set up
    (A) At any point between A and B
    (B) At the exact midpoint of A and B
    (C) Near the point A
    (D) Near the point B

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