Department of Civil Engineering Surveying MCQ - Set 17 - ObjectiveBooks

Department of Civil Engineering Surveying MCQ - Set 17

Practice Test: Question Set - 17

1. Pick up the correct statement from the following
    (A) 1 second of arc corresponds to a displacement ratio of 1:206, 300
    (B) 1 degree of arc corresponds to a displacement ratio of 1:57
    (C) The angular errors tend to propagate themselves along a traverse as the square root of the number of stations
    (D) All the above

2. Planimeter is used for measuring
    (A) Volume
    (B) Area
    (C) Contour gradient
    (D) Slope angle

3. An ideal vertical curve to join two gradients, is
    (A) Circular
    (B) Parabolic
    (C) Elliptical
    (D) Hyperbolic

4. The bubble tube is nearly filled with
    (A) Alcohol or chloroform
    (B) A liquid which is very mobile
    (C) A liquid having low freezing point
    (D) All the above

5. Perpendicular offset from a tangent to the junction of a transition curve and circular curve is equal to
    (A) Shift
    (B) Twice the shift
    (C) Thrice the shift
    (D) Four times the shift

6. Determining the difference in elevation between two points on the surface of the earth, is known as
    (A) Levelling
    (B) Simple levelling
    (C) Differential levelling
    (D) Longitudinal levelling

7. If arithmetic sum of latitudes of a closed traverse is ‘ƩL’ at and closing error in latitude is ‘dx’, the correction for a side whose latitude is ‘l’, as given by Transit Rule, is
    (A) l × (dx/Ʃ Lat)
    (B) l × (Ʃ Lat/dx)
    (C) Ʃ Lat × (dx/l)
    (D) None of these

8. In case of reduction of levels by the height of instrument method,
    (A) Ʃ B.S. - Ʃ F.S. = difference in R.L.S of the first station and last station
    (B) Ʃ (R.L. + I + F.S.) - first R.L = Ʃ (H.I. + No. of R.L.s.)
    (C) Both (a) and (b) above
    (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

9. The distance between terminal points computed from a subsidiary traverse run between them, is generally known, as
    (A) Traverse leg
    (B) A base
    (C) Traverse base
    (D) All the above

10. The bearing of line AB is 152° 30' and angle ABC measured clockwise is 124° 28'. The bearing of BC is
    (A) 27° 52'
    (B) 96° 58'
    (C) 148° 08'
    (D) 186° 58'

11. The limiting length of an offset does not depend upon
    (A) Accuracy of the work
    (B) Method of setting out perpendiculars
    (C) Scale of plotting
    (D) Indefinite features to be surveyed

12. Which one of the following procedures for getting accurate orientation is the most distinctive feature of the art of plane tabling?
    (A) Radiation
    (B) Intersection
    (C) Traversing
    (D) Resection

13. In a closed traverse, sum of south latitudes exceeds the sum of north latitudes and the sum of east departures exceeds the sum of west departures, then, the closing line will lie in
    (A) North-west quadrant
    (B) North-east quadrant
    (C) South-east quadrant
    (D) South-west quadrant

14. If the declination of the needle is 10° W
    (A) Each of the whole circle reckoning has to be micros by 10°
    (B) In the quadrantal method, the correction is positive in the 1st and 3rd quadrants
    (C) In the quadrantal method, the corrections is negative in 2nd and 4th quadrants
    (D) All the above

15. The most reliable method of plotting a theodolite traverse, is
    (A) By consecutive co-ordinates of each station
    (B) By independent co-ordinates of each station
    (C) By plotting included angles and scaling off each traverse leg
    (D) By the tangent method of plotting

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