Theory of Machine MCQ Practice Test - Set 01 - ObjectiveBooks

Theory of Machine MCQ Practice Test - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. The motion between a pair which takes place in __________ is known as incompletely constrained motion.
    (A) One direction only
    (B) Two directions only
    (C) More than one direction
    (D) None of these

2. A torsional system with discs of moment of inertia I₁ and I₂ as shown in the below figure, is gear driven such that the ratio of speed of shaft B to shaft A is 'G'. Neglecting the inertia of gears, the equivalent inertia of disc on shaft B at the speed of shaft A is equal to
Theory of Machine - Set 01, Question No. 02
    (A) G.I₂
    (B) .I
    (C) I₂/G
    (D) I₂/

3. The frictional torque transmitted in a flat pivot bearing, considering uniform pressure, is (where μ = Coefficient of friction, W = Load over the bearing, and R = Radius of bearing surface)
    (A) (1/2) μ W R
    (B) (2/3) μ W R
    (C) (3/4) μ W R
    (D) μ W R

4. A typewriter mechanism has 7 numbers of binary joints, six links and none of higher pairs. The mechanism is
    (A) Kinematically sound
    (B) Not sound
    (C) Soundness would depend upon which link is kept fixed
    (D) Data is not sufficient to determine same

5. The magnitude of velocities of the points on a rigid link is
    (A) Directly proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is parallel to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center
    (B) Directly proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is perpendicular to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center
    (C) Inversely proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is parallel to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center
    (D) Inversely proportional to the distance from the points to the instantaneous center and is perpendicular to the line joining the point to the instantaneous center

6. The maximum efficiency of spiral gears is (where θ = Shaft angle, and φ = Friction angle)
    (A) sin (θ + φ) + 1/ cos (θ - φ) + 1
    (B) cos (θ - φ) + 1/ sin (θ + φ) + 1
    (C) cos (θ + φ) + 1/ cos (θ - φ) + 1
    (D) cos (θ - φ) + 1/ cos (θ + φ) + 1

7. If the opposite links of a four bar linkage are equal, the links will always form a
    (A) Triangle
    (B) Rectangle
    (C) Parallelogram
    (D) Pentagon

8. The velocity of a flat-faced follower when it has contact with the flank of a circular arc cam, is given by
    (A) ωR cosθ
    (B) ω(R - r₁) cosθ
    (C) ω(R - r₁) sinθ
    (D) ωr₁ sinθ

9. Two systems shall be dynamically equivalent when
    (A) The mass of two are same
    (B) C.G. of two coincides
    (C) M.I. of two about an axis through e.g. is equal
    (D) All of the above

10. The motion of a shaft in a circular hole is an example of
    (A) Completely constrained motion
    (B) Incompletely constrained motion
    (C) Successfully constrained motion
    (D) None of these

11. A rotary internal combustion engine has __________ cylinders.
    (A) Four
    (B) Five
    (C) Six
    (D) Seven

12. Cam size depends upon
    (A) Base circle
    (B) Pitch circle
    (C) Prime circle
    (D) Outer circle

13. A point B on a rigid link AB moves with respect to A with angular velocity ω rad/s. The total acceleration of B with respect to A will be equal to
    (A) Vector sum of radial component and Coriolis component
    (B) Vector sum of tangential component and Coriolis component
    (C) Vector sum of radial component and tangential component
    (D) Vector difference of radial component and tangential component

14. The equation of motion for a vibrating system with viscous damping is
(d²x/dt²) + (c/m).(dx/dt) + (s/m).x = 0, if the roots of the equation are __________ then the system will be under damped.
    (A) Equal
    (B) Real
    (C) Complex conjugate
    (D) None of these

15. The purpose of a link is to
    (A) Transmit motion
    (B) Guide other links
    (C) Act as a support
    (D) All of the above

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