Theory of Machines Objective Questions and Answers - ObjectiveBooks

Theory of Machines Objective Questions and Answers

Practice Test: Question Set - 38

1. The size of a gear is usually specified by
    (A) Pressure angle
    (B) Circular pitch
    (C) Diametral pitch
    (D) Pitch circle diameter

2. The amplitude of vibration is always __________ the radius of the circle.
    (A) Equal to
    (B) Less than
    (C) Greater than
    (D) None of these

3. Scotch yoke mechanism is used to generate
    (A) Sine functions
    (B) Square roots
    (C) Logarithms
    (D) Inversions

4. The static friction
    (A) Bears a constant ratio to the normal reaction between the two surfaces
    (B) Is independent of the area of contact, between the two surfaces
    (C) Always acts in a direction, opposite to that in which the body tends to move
    (D) All of the above

5. In order to facilitate starting of locomotive in any position, the cranks of a locomotive with two cylinders, are placed at
    (A) 45° to each other
    (B) 90° to each other
    (C) 120° to each other
    (D) 180° to each other

6. In a gear having involute teeth, the normal to the involute is a tangent to the
    (A) Pitch circle
    (B) Base circle
    (C) Addendum circle
    (D) Dedendum circle

7. The relation between number of pairs (p) forming a kinematic chain and the number of links (l) is
    (A) l = 2p - 2
    (B) l = 2p - 3
    (C) l = 2p - 4
    (D) l = 2p - 5

8. In considering friction of a V-thread, the virtual coefficient of friction (μ₁) is given by
    (A) μ₁ = μ sin β
    (B) μ₁ = μ cos β
    (C) μ₁ = μ/sin β
    (D) μ₁ = μ/cos β

9. When the sleeve of a Porter governor moves downwards, the governor speed
    (A) Increases
    (B) Decreases
    (C) Remain unaffected
    (D) First increases and then decreases

10. In a turning moment diagram, the variations of energy above and below the mean resisting torque line is called
    (A) Fluctuation of energy
    (B) Maximum fluctuation of energy
    (C) Coefficient of fluctuation of energy
    (D) None of these

11. The maximum or minimum value of the swaying couple is
    (A) ± c.m.ω².r
    (B) ± a (1 - c) m.ω².r
    (C) ± (a/√2) (1 - c) m.ω².r
    (D) ± 2a (1 - c) m.ω².r

12. A spring controlled governor is found unstable. It can be made stable by
    (A) Increasing the spring stiffness
    (B) Decreasing the spring stiffness
    (C) Increasing the ball mass
    (D) Decreasing the ball mass

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