Practice Test: Question Set - 38
1. The size of a gear is usually specified by
- (A) Pressure
- (B) Circular
- (C) Diametral
- (D) Pitch
circle diameter
2. The amplitude of vibration is always __________ the radius of the circle.
- (A) Equal to
- (B) Less than
- (C) Greater than
- (D) None
of these
3. Scotch yoke mechanism is used to generate
- (A) Sine
- (B) Square roots
- (C) Logarithms
- (D) Inversions
4. The static friction
- (A) Bears a
constant ratio to the normal reaction between the two surfaces
- (B) Is
independent of the area of contact, between the two surfaces
- (C) Always
acts in a direction, opposite to that in which the body tends to move
- (D) All
of the above
5. In order to facilitate starting of locomotive in any position, the cranks of a locomotive with two cylinders, are placed at
- (A) 45° to each
- (B) 90°
to each other
- (C) 120° to each
- (D) 180°
to each other
6. In a gear having involute teeth, the normal to the involute is a tangent to the
- (A) Pitch circle
- (B) Base circle
- (C) Addendum
- (D) Dedendum
7. The relation between number of pairs (p) forming a kinematic chain and the number of links (l) is
- (A) l = 2p
- 2
- (B) l = 2p
- 3
- (C) l = 2p
- 4
- (D) l = 2p
- 5
8. In considering friction of a V-thread, the virtual coefficient of friction (μ₁) is given by
- (A) μ₁ = μ sin β
- (B) μ₁ = μ cos β
- (C) μ₁ = μ/sin β
- (D) μ₁ = μ/cos β
9. When the sleeve of a Porter governor moves downwards, the governor speed
- (A) Increases
- (B) Decreases
- (C) Remain
- (D) First
increases and then decreases
10. In a turning moment diagram, the variations of energy above and below the mean resisting torque line is called
- (A) Fluctuation
of energy
- (B) Maximum
fluctuation of energy
- (C) Coefficient
of fluctuation of energy
- (D) None
of these
11. The maximum or minimum value of the swaying couple is
- (A) ± c.m.ω².r
- (B) ± a (1
- c) m.ω².r
- (C) ± (a/√2) (1
- c) m.ω².r
- (D) ± 2a (1
- c) m.ω².r
12. A spring controlled governor is found unstable. It can be made stable by
- (A) Increasing
the spring stiffness
- (B) Decreasing
the spring stiffness
- (C) Increasing
the ball mass
- (D) Decreasing
the ball mass
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