Competitive Exam Questions Microsoft Access - Set 22 - ObjectiveBooks

Competitive Exam Questions Microsoft Access - Set 22

Practice Test: Question Set - 22

1. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called
    (A) Sorting
    (B) Classifying
    (C) Reproducing
    (D) Summarizing

2. A list consists of last names, first names, address and pin codes if all people in the list have the same last and the same pin code, a useful would be
    (A) The pin code
    (B) The last name
    (C) A compound key consisting of the first name and the last name
    (D) All of the above

3. How can you display pivot table report summary data in a currency format?
    (A) Use custom calculation
    (B) Type in the currency symbol
    (C) Modify the field settings
    (D) None of the above

4. Which of the following is not a database object?
    (A) Tables
    (B) Queries
    (C) Relationships
    (D) Reports

5. This key uniquely identifies each record
    (A) Primary key
    (B) Key record
    (C) Unique key
    (D) Field name

6. After entering all fields required for a table, if you realize that the third field is not needed, how will you remove?
    (A) You need to delete the whole tab. There is no method to remove a particular field only
    (B) Delete all the fields from third downwards and re-enter the required fields again
    (C) Select the third column in datasheet view then Delete
    (D) Select the third row in table design view then Delete

7. In table design view, which key can be used to switch between the field names and properties panels?
    (A) F3
    (B) F4
    (C) F5
    (D) F6

8. A _________ name must be unique within a database
    (A) Table
    (B) Field
    (C) Record
    (D) Character

9. Unlike text data type, this can store up to maximum of 65,535 characters.
    (A) Memo
    (B) Data/time
    (C) Number
    (D) All of above

10. Microsoft Access is a
    (A) RDBMS
    (B) OODBMS
    (C) ORDBMS
    (D) Network database model

11. Each record is constituted by a number of individual data items which are called
    (A) Fields
    (B) Data Types
    (C) Relations
    (D) Tables

12. In a datasheet, what does each row represent?
    (A) Record
    (B) Field
    (C) Database
    (D) Table

13. What does the expression [detail] ! [product] * 1.30 do?
    (A) Multiplies the contents of detail and product fields by 1.3
    (B) First divides detail by product and then multiplies by 1.3
    (C) Multiplies the contents of detail in the product table by 1.3
    (D) Multiplies the contents of product in the detail table by 1.3

14. Which is not a view for displaying a report object?
    (A) Datasheet view
    (B) Design view
    (C) Print preview
    (D) Layout preview

15. In MS Access, AutoNumber Data Type
    (A) Can be Sequential
    (B) Can be Random
    (C) Can be Edited
    (D) Only A & B

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