Practice Test: Question Set - 20
1. It is an association established between common fields of two tables.
- (A) Line
- (B) Relationship
- (C) Primary key
- (D) Records
2. Which of the following is a method to create a new table in MS Access?
- (A) Create
table in Design View
- (B) Create Table
using wizard
- (C) Create Table
by Entering data
- (D) All of above
3. The key uniquely identifies each record in a table.
- (A) Primary key
- (B) Key word
- (C) Filed name
- (D) All of above
4. How can you link a table with another so that a field in current table will display values in drop down box from another table while data:
- (A) Query Wizard
- (B) Look up
- (C) Form Wizard
- (D) Report
5. Which data type is better to use for storing phone number in the following format “977-1-1234567”?
- (A) Text
- (B) AutoNumber
- (C) Number
- (D) Currency
6. Which do you click to display the table\’s primary key and indexes in a separate window?
- (A) Indexes
- (B) Primary key button
- (C) View
datasheet button
- (D) View design
7. In MS Access, Text Data type may contain maximum character of
- (A) 255
- (B) 256
- (C) 1064
- (D) No
8. Query can be use to select data from
- (A) Single Table
- (B) Multiple
- (C) Both A &
- (D) None of
9. In a module, the VB Name used to display a warning query icon is _______.
- (A) vbCritical
- (B) vbInformation
- (C) vbExclamation
- (D) vbQuestion
10. In Access 2007, to make changes in the Trust Center, you need to go to the ________.
- (A) Microsoft
Office button
- (B) Navigation
- (C) Quick
Access toolbar
- (D) Database
Tools command tab
11. When adding an image, which size mode will change the height or width of the image fit the control?
- (A) Clip
- (B) Stretch
- (C) Zoom
- (D) Crop
12. Which of the following types of joins displays records with the same value in the common field?
- (A) Inner join
- (B) Left outer join
- (C) Right outer
- (D) Self join
13. Which of the following views enables users to create and modify the sections of a form?
- (A) Datasheet
- (B) Design
- (C) Form
- (D) Layout
14. Which of the following database objects extracts information from one or more tables or queries?
- (A) Forms
- (B) Queries
- (C) Reports
- (D) Tables
15. Which of the following properties identifies the type of information stored in a field?
- (A) Data type
- (B) Field
- (C) Field name
- (D) Field
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