Practice Test: Question Set - 02
1. A fluid which obeys the Newton's law of viscosity is termed as
- (A) Real fluid
- (B) Ideal fluid
- (C) Newtonian
- (D) Non-Newtonian
2. In order that flow takes place between two points in a pipeline, the differential pressure between these points must be more than
- (A) Frictional force
- (B) Viscosity
- (C) Surface friction
- (D) All of the above
3. The error in discharge (dQ/Q) to the error in measurement of head (dH/H) over a triangular notch is given by
- (A) dQ/Q
= 3/2 × (dH/H)
- (B) dQ/Q
= 2 × (dH/H)
- (C) dQ/Q
= 5/2 × (dH/H)
- (D) dQ/Q
= 3 × (dH/H)
4. For similarity, in addition to models being geometrically similar to prototype, the following in both cases should also be equal
- (A) Ratio of inertial
force to force due to viscosity
- (B) Ratio of inertial
force to force due to gravitation
- (C) Ratio of inertial
force to force due to surface tension
- (D) All the four ratios of inertial force to
force due to viscosity, gravitation, surface tension, and elasticity
5. The value of coefficient of velocity for a sharp edged orifice __________ with the head of water.
- (A) Decreases
- (B) Increases
- (C) Remain same
- (D) None of
6. If cohesion between molecules of a fluid is greater than adhesion between fluid and glass, then the free level of fluid in a dipped glass tube will be
- (A) Higher than the surface of liquid
- (B) The same as the surface of liquid
- (C) Lower than the surface of liquid
- (D) Unpredictable
7. The ratio of the inertia force to the __________ is called Euler's number.
- (A) Pressure
- (B) Elastic
- (C) Surface
tension force
- (D) Viscous
8. A one dimensional flow is one which
- (A) Is uniform flow
- (B) Is steady uniform
- (C) Takes place in
straight lines
- (D) Involves zero transverse component of flow
9. According to Manning's formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where M = Manning's constant)
- (A) A × M × m1/2 × i2/3
- (B) A × M × m2/3 × i1/2
- (C) A1/2 × M2/3 × m × i
- (D) A2/3 × M1/3 × m × i
10. Dimensions of surface tension are
- (A) ML°T⁻²
- (B) ML°T
- (C) ML r²
- (D) ML²T²
11. An opening in the side of a tank or vessel such that the liquid surface with the tank is below the top edge of the opening, is called
- (A) Weir
- (B) Notch
- (C) Orifice
- (D) None
of these
12. The property of fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance to shear is called
- (A) Surface tension
- (B) Adhesion
- (C) Adhesion
- (D) Viscosity
13. Coefficient of velocity is defined as the ratio of
- (A) Actual
velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoretical velocity
- (B) Area
of jet at vena contracta to the area of orifice
- (C) Actual
discharge through an orifice to the theoretical discharge
- (D) None
of the above
14. A liquid compressed in cylinder has a volume of 0.04 m3 at 50 kg/cm² and a volume of 0.039 m3 at 150 kg/cm². The bulk modulus of elasticity of liquid is
- (A) 400 kg/cm²
- (B) 4000 kg/cm²
- (C) 40 × 10⁵ kg/cm²
- (D) 40 × 10⁶ kg/cm²
15. The mass of 2.5 m3 of a certain liquid is 2 tonnes. Its mass density is
- (A) 200 kg/m3
- (B) 400 kg/m3
- (C) 600 kg/m3
- (D) 800 kg/m3
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