Practice Test: Question Set - 17
1. For pipes, turbulent flow occurs when Reynolds number is
- (A) Less than 2000
- (B) Between 2000 and 4000
- (C) More than 4000
- (D) Less than 4000
2. The velocity of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a Venturimeter
- (A) Remains
- (B) Increases
- (C) Decreases
- (D) Depends
upon mass of liquid
3. The volumetric change of the fluid caused by a resistance is known as
- (A) Volumetric strain
- (B) Volumetric index
- (C) Compressibility
- (D) Adhesion
4. If the depth of water in an open channel is less than the critical depth, the flow is called
- (A) Critical
- (B) Turbulent
- (C) Tranquil
- (D) Torrential
5. Choose the wrong statement
- (A) Fluids are capable of flowing
- (B) Fluids conform to the
shape of the containing vessels
- (C) When in equilibrium,
fluids cannot sustain tangential forces
- (D) When in equilibrium,
fluids can sustain shear forces
6. An orifice is said to be large, if
- (A) The size of
orifice is large
- (B) The velocity
of flow is large
- (C) The
available head of liquid is more than 5 times the height of orifice
- (D) The
available head of liquid is less than 5 times the height of orifice
7. A piece of metal of specific gravity 13.6 is placed in mercury of specific gravity 13.6, what fraction of it volume is under mercury?
- (A) The metal piece will simply float over the
- (B) The metal piece will
be immersed in mercury by half
- (C) Whole of the metal piece will be immersed
with its top surface just at mercury level
- (D) Metal piece will sink to the bottom
8. The centre of pressure acts __________ the centre of gravity of immersed surface.
- (A) At
- (B) Above
- (C) Below
- (D) None of
9. Dynamic viscosity of most of the liquids with rise in temperature
- (A) Increases
- (B) Decreases
- (C) Remain unaffected
- (D) Unpredictable
10. The discharge over a right angled notch is (where H = Height of liquid above the apex of notch)
- (A) (8/15) Cd. 2g. H
- (B) (8/15) Cd. 2g. H3/2
- (C) (8/15) Cd. 2g. H²
- (D) (8/15) Cd. 2g. H5/2
11. A square surface 3 m × 3 m lies in a vertical line in water pipe its upper edge at water surface. The hydrostatic force on square surface is
- (A) 9,000 kg
- (B) 13,500 kg
- (C) 18,000 kg
- (D) 27,000 kg
12. The discharge through a siphon spillway is
- (A) Cd × a
× √(2gH)
- (B) Cd × a
× √(2g) × H3/2
- (C) Cd × a
× √(2g) × H2
- (D) Cd × a
× √(2g) × H5/2
13. Select the correct statement
- (A) Local atmospheric pressure depends upon
elevation of locality only
- (B) Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean
local atmospheric pressure a* sea level
- (C) Local atmospheric pressure is always below
standard atmospheric pressure
- (D) A barometer reads the difference between
local and standard atmospheric pressure
14. The shear stress-strain graph for a Newtonian fluid is a
- (A) Straight
- (B) Parabolic
- (C) Hyperbolic
- (D) Elliptical
15. The flow in which the particles of a fluid attain such velocities that varies from point to point in magnitude and direction as well as from instant to instant, is known as
- (A) One dimensional flow
- (B) Uniform flow
- (C) Steady flow
- (D) Turbulent flow
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