Practice Test: Question Set - 30
1. The discharge through an external mouthpiece is given by (where a = Cross-sectional area of the mouthpiece, and H = Height of liquid above the mouthpiece)
- (A) 0.855 a.√(2gH)
- (B) 1.855 aH.√(2g)
- (C) 1.585 a.√(2gH)
- (D) 5.85 aH.√(2g)
2. If 850 kg liquid occupies volume of one cubic meter, men 0.85 represents its
- (A) Specific weight
- (B) Specific mass
- (C) Specific gravity
- (D) Specific density
3. The discharge over a rectangular notch is (where b = Width of notch, and H = Height of liquid, above the sill of the notch)
- (A) (2/3) Cd × b
× √(2gH)
- (B) (2/3)
Cd × b × √(2g) × H
- (C) (2/3)
Cd × b × √(2g) × H3/2
- (D) (2/3)
Cd × b × √(2g) × H2
4. A metal with specific gravity of 'a' floating in a fluid of same specific gravity 'a' will
- (A) Sink to bottom
- (B) Float over fluid
- (C) Partly immersed
- (D) Be fully immersed with top surface at fluid
5. In a short cylindrical external mouthpiece, the vena contracta occurs at a distance __________ the diameter of the orifice from the outlet of orifice.
- (A) Equal to
- (B) One-fourth
- (C) One-third
- (D) One-half
6. A submerged body is said to be in a stable equilibrium, if its centre of gravity __________ the centre of buoyancy.
- (A) Coincides
- (B) Lies below
- (C) Lies
- (D) None of
7. The power transmitted through the nozzle is maximum when the head lost due to friction in the pipe is __________ of the total supply head.
- (A) One-half
- (B) One-third
- (C) Two-third
- (D) None of
8. In the case of steady flow of a fluid, the acceleration of any fluid particle is
- (A) Constant
- (B) Variable
- (C) Zero
- (D) Zero under limiting
9. The pressure at a point in a fluid will not be same in all the directions when the fluid is
- (A) Moving
- (B) Viscous
- (C) Viscous and static
- (D) Viscous and moving
10. The pressure of air __________ with the increase of height from the surface of the earth.
- (A) Does
not change
- (B) Decreases
- (C) Increases
- (D) None
of these
11. Froude's number is the ratio of inertia force to
- (A) Pressure
- (B) Elastic
- (C) Gravity
- (D) Surface
tension force
12. The pressure measured with the help of a Piezometer tube is in
- (A) N/mm2
- (B) N/m2
- (C) Head of
- (D) All of these
13. The total energy line lies over the centre line of the pipe by an amount equal to
- (A) Pressure
- (B) Velocity
- (C) Pressure
head + velocity head
- (D) Pressure
head - velocity head
14. Water is a __________ fluid.
- (A) Real
- (B) Ideal
- (C) Newtonian
- (D) Non-Newtonian
15. The resultant of all normal pressures acts
- (A) At C.G. of body
- (B) At center of pressure
- (C) Vertically upwards
- (D) At metacentre
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