Fluid Mechanics Objective Questions with Answers - Set 14 - ObjectiveBooks

Fluid Mechanics Objective Questions with Answers - Set 14

Practice Test: Question Set - 14

1. The specific weight of sea water is __________ that of pure water.
    (A) Same as
    (B) Less than
    (C) More than
    (D) None of these

2. Which of the following instruments is used to measure flow on the application of Bernoulli's theorem?
    (A) Venturimeter
    (B) Orifice plate
    (C) Nozzle
    (D) All of the above

3. When a cylindrical vessel of radius (r) containing liquid is revolved about its vertical axis ω rad/s, then depth of parabola which the liquid assumes is
    (A) ω.r/2g
    (B) ω².r²/2g
    (C) ω.r/4g
    (D) ω².r²/4g

4. The depth of the centre of pressure on a vertical rectangular gate 8 m wide and 6 m high, when the water surface coincides with the top of the gate, is
    (A) 2.4 m
    (B) 3.0 m
    (C) 4.0 m
    (D) 5.0 m

5. An internal mouthpiece is said to be running free if the length of the mouthpiece is __________ the diameter of the orifice.
    (A) Less than twice
    (B) More than twice
    (C) Less than three times
    (D) More than three times

6. An ideal flow of any fluid must satisfy
    (A) Pascal law
    (B) Newton's law of viscosity
    (C) Boundary layer theory
    (D) Continuity equation

7. The height of a water column equivalent to a pressure of 0.15 MPa is
    (A) 15.3 m
    (B) 25.3 m
    (C) 35.3 m
    (D) 45.3 m

8. The region between the separation streamline and the boundary surface of the solid body is known as
    (A) Wake
    (B) Drag
    (C) Lift
    (D) Boundary layer

9. The total pressure on the top of a closed cylindrical vessel of radius (r) completely filled up with liquid of specific weight (w) and rotating at (ω) rad/s about its vertical axis, is
    (A) π w ω² r²/4g
    (B) π w ω² r³/4g
    (C) π w ω² r⁴/4g
    (D) π w ω² r²/2g

10. Froude number is significant in
    (A) Supersonics, as with projectile and jet propulsion
    (B) Full immersion or completely enclosed flow, as with pipes, aircraft wings, nozzles etc.
    (C) Simultaneous motion through two fluids where there is a surface of discontinuity, gravity forces, and wave making effect, as with ship's hulls
    (D) All of the above

11. The ratio of specific weight of a liquid to the specific weight of pure water at a standard temperature is called
    (A) Density of liquid
    (B) Specific gravity of liquid
    (C) Compressibility of liquid
    (D) Surface tension of liquid

12. A hydraulic press has a ram of 15 cm diameter and plunger of 1.5 cm. It is required to lift a weight of 1 tonne. The force required on plunger is equal to
    (A) 10 kg
    (B) 100 kg
    (C) 1000 kg
    (D) 1 kg

13. The total head of a liquid particle in motion is equal to
    (A) Pressure head + kinetic head + potential head
    (B) Pressure head - (kinetic head + potential head)
    (C) Potential head - (pressure head + kinetic head)
    (D) Kinetic head - (pressure head + potential head)

14. The bulk modulus of elasticity with increase in pressure
    (A) Increases
    (B) Decreases
    (C) Remain constant
    (D) Increases first up to certain limit and then decreases

15. The diameter of the nozzle (d) for maximum transmission of power is given by (where D = Diameter of pipe, f = Darcy’s coefficient of friction for pipe, and l = Length of pipe)
    (A) d = (D⁵/8fl)1/2
    (B) d = (D⁵/8fl)1/3
    (C) d = (D⁵/8fl)1/4
    (D) d = (D⁵/8fl)1/5

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