Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics MCQ Test - Set 12 - ObjectiveBooks

Mechanical Engineering Fluid Mechanics MCQ Test - Set 12

Practice Test: Question Set - 12

1. Metacentric height is the distance between the metacentre and
    (A) Water surface
    (B) Center of pressure
    (C) Center of gravity
    (D) Center of buoyancy

2. The velocity through a channel of circular section will be maximum when the depth of water is __________ the diameter of the circular channel.
    (A) 0.34 times
    (B) 0.67 times
    (C) 0.81 times
    (D) 0.95 times

3. Resultant pressure of the liquid in the case of an immersed body acts through
    (A) Centre of gravity
    (B) Centre of pressure
    (C) Metacentre
    (D) Centre of buoyancy

4. A fluid is said to be ideal, if it is
    (A) Incompressible
    (B) Viscous and incompressible
    (C) Inviscous and compressible
    (D) Inviscous and incompressible

5. In a depressed nappe
    (A) The pressure below the nappe is atmospheric
    (B) The pressure below the nappe is negative
    (C) The pressure above the nappe is atmospheric
    (D) The pressure above the nappe is negative

6. The value of the coefficient of compressibility for water at ordinary pressure and temperature in kg/cm is equal to
    (A) 2,100
    (B) 2,700
    (C) 10,000
    (D) 21,000

7. In one dimensional flow, the flow
    (A) Is steady and uniform
    (B) Takes place in straight line
    (C) Takes place in curve
    (D) Takes place in one direction

8. To avoid vaporisation in the pipe line, the pipe line over the ridge is laid such that it is not more than
    (A) 2.4 m above the hydraulic gradient
    (B) 6.4 m above the hydraulic gradient
    (C) 10.0 m above the hydraulic gradient
    (D) 5.0 above the hydraulic gradient

9. The loss of head at exit of a pipe is (where v = Velocity of liquid in the pipe)
    (A) v²/2g
    (B) 0.5v²/2g
    (C) 0.375v²/2g
    (D) 0.75v²/2g

10. Metacentre is the point of intersection of
    (A) Vertical upward force through e.g. of body and center line of body
    (B) Buoyant force and the center line of body
    (C) Midpoint between e.g. and center of buoyancy
    (D) All of the above

11. The imaginary line drawn in the fluid in such a way that the tangent to any point gives the direction of motion at that point, is known as
    (A) Path line
    (B) Stream line
    (C) Steak line
    (D) Potential line

12. An open vessel of water is accelerated up an inclined plane. The free water surface will
    (A) Be horizontal
    (B) Make an angle in direction of inclination of inclined plane
    (C) Make an angle in opposite direction to inclination of inclined plane
    (D) Any one of above is possible

13. The discharge over a rectangular notch is
    (A) Inversely proportional to H3/2
    (B) Directly proportional to H3/2
    (C) Inversely proportional to H5/2
    (D) Directly proportional to H5/2

14. The flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and their paths do not cross each other is called
    (A) One dimensional flow
    (B) Streamline flow
    (C) Steady flow
    (D) Turbulent flow

15. The magnitude of water hammer depends upon the
    (A) Elastic properties of the pipe material
    (B) Elastic properties of the liquid flowing through the pipe
    (C) Speed at which the valve is closed
    (D) All of the above

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