Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Objective Type Questions - Set 05 - ObjectiveBooks

Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Objective Type Questions - Set 05

Practice Test: Question Set - 05

1. Differential manometer is used to measure
    (A) Pressure in pipes, channels etc.
    (B) Atmospheric pressure
    (C) Very low pressure
    (D) Difference of pressure between two points

2. When a body is immersed wholly or partially in a liquid, it is lifted up by a force equal to the weight of liquid displaced by the body. This statement is called
    (A) Pascal's law
    (B) Archimedes’s principle
    (C) Principle of flotation
    (D) Bernoulli's theorem

3. Non uniform flow occurs when
    (A) The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
    (B) The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
    (C) Velocity, depth, pressure, etc. change from point to point in the fluid flow
    (D) The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane

4. When a tube of smaller diameter is dipped in water, the water rises in the tube with an upward __________ surface.
    (A) Concave
    (B) Convex
    (C) Plane
    (D) None of these

5. A piece of metal of specific gravity 7 floats in mercury of specific gravity 13.6. What fraction of its volume is under mercury?
    (A) 0.5
    (B) 0.4
    (C) 0.515
    (D) 0.5

6. A flow through an expanding tube at constant rate is called
    (A) Steady uniform flow
    (B) Steady non-uniform flow
    (C) Unsteady uniform flow
    (D) Unsteady non-uniform flow

7. Reynolds number is significant in
    (A) Supersonics, as with projectile and jet propulsion
    (B) Full immersion or completely enclosed flow, as with pipes, aircraft wings, nozzles etc.
    (C) Simultaneous motion through two fluids where there is a surface of discontinuity, gravity forces, and wave making effect, as with ship's hulls
    (D) All of the above

8. The loss of head due to friction in a pipe of uniform diameter in which a viscous flow is taking place, is (where RN = Reynold number)
    (A) 1/RN
    (B) 4/RN
    (C) 16/RN
    (D) 64/RN

9. Practical fluids
    (A) Are viscous
    (B) Possess surface tension
    (C) Are compressible
    (D) Possess all the above properties

10. A compound pipe of diameter d1d2 and d3 having lengths l1l2 and l3 is to be replaced by an equivalent pipe of uniform diameter d and of the same length (l) as that of the compound pipe. The size of the equivalent pipe is given by
    (A) l/d² = (l₁/d₁²) + (l₂/d₂²) + (l₃/d₃²)
    (B) l/d³ = (l₁/d₁³) + (l₂/d₂³) + (l₃/d₃³)
    (C) l/d⁴ = (l₁/d₁⁴) + (l₂/d₂⁴) + (l₃/d₃⁴)
    (D) l/d⁵ = (l₁/d₁⁵) + (l₂/d₂⁵) + (l₃/d₃⁵)

11. The tendency of a liquid surface to contract is due to the following property
    (A) Cohesion
    (B) Adhesion
    (C) Viscosity
    (D) Surface tension

12. The Newton's law of resistance is based on the assumption that the
    (A) Planes of the body are completely smooth
    (B) Space around the body is completely filled with the fluid
    (C) Fluid particles do not exert any influence on one another
    (D) All of the above

13. For manometer, a better liquid combination is one having
    (A) Higher surface tension
    (B) Lower surface tension
    (C) Surface tension is no criterion
    (D) High density and viscosity

14. The flow in a pipe is neither laminar nor turbulent when Reynold number is
    (A) Less than 2000
    (B) Between 2000 and 2800
    (C) More than 2800
    (D) None of these

15. The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may be taken to act is known as
    (A) Meta center
    (B) Center of pressure
    (C) Center of buoyancy
    (D) Center of gravity

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