Hydraulics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Set 26 - ObjectiveBooks

Hydraulics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers - Set 26

Practice Test: Question Set - 26

1. In an external mouthpiece, the absolute pressure head at vena contracta is __________ the atmospheric pressure head by an amount equal to 0.89 times the height of the liquid, above the vena contracta.
    (A) Less than
    (B) More than
    (C) Equal to
    (D) None of these

2. Poise is the unit of
    (A) Surface tension
    (B) Capillarity
    (C) Viscosity
    (D) Shear stress in fluids

3. Viscous force is the __________ of shear stress due to viscosity and cross-section area of flow.
    (A) Sum
    (B) Different
    (C) Product
    (D) Ratio

4. The siphon will work satisfactorily, if the minimum pressure in the pipe is __________ vapour pressure of liquid.
    (A) Equal to
    (B) Less than
    (C) More than
    (D) None of these

5. The tangential velocity of the water element having a free vortex is
    (A) Directly proportional to its distance from the centre
    (B) Inversely proportional to its distance from the centre
    (C) Directly proportional to its (distance)2 from the centre
    (D) Inversely proportional to its (distance)2 from the centre

6. The horizontal component of buoyant force is
    (A) Negligible
    (B) Same as buoyant force
    (C) Zero
    (D) None of the above

7. A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant, is called __________ flow.
    (A) Steady
    (B) Streamline
    (C) Turbulent
    (D) Unsteady

8. The divergent portion of a Venturimeter is made longer than convergent portion in order to
    (A) Avoid the tendency of breaking away the stream of liquid
    (B) To minimize frictional losses
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) None of these

9. According to Chezy's formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where A = Area of flow, C = Chezy's constant, m = Hydraulic mean depth, and i = Uniform slope in bed)
    (A) A × √(m × i)
    (B) C × √(m × i)
    (C) AC × √(m × i)
    (D) mi × √(A × C)

10. In a free vortex motion, the radial component of velocity everywhere is
    (A) Maximum
    (B) Minimum
    (C) Zero
    (D) Nonzero and finite

11. Coefficient of contraction is the ratio of
    (A) Actual velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoretical velocity
    (B) Loss of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the orifice
    (C) Loss of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the orifice
    (D) Area of jet at vena-contracta to the area of orifice

12. The Bernoulli's equation is based on the assumption that
    (A) There is no loss of energy of the liquid flowing
    (B) The velocity of flow is uniform across any cross-section of the pipe
    (C) No force except gravity acts on the fluid
    (D) All of the above

13. The flow in a pipe is turbulent when Reynold number is
    (A) Less than 2000
    (B) Between 2000 and 2800
    (C) More than 2800
    (D) None of these

14. When the flow parameters at any given instant remain same at every point, then flow is said to be
    (A) Quasi-static
    (B) Steady state
    (C) Laminar
    (D) Uniform

15. The total pressure on an immersed surface inclined at an angle θ with the liquid surface is
    (A) wA
    (B) wx
    (C) wAx
    (D) wAx/sinθ

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