Practice Test: Question Set - 26
1. In an external mouthpiece, the absolute pressure head at vena contracta is __________ the atmospheric pressure head by an amount equal to 0.89 times the height of the liquid, above the vena contracta.
- (A) Less than
- (B) More
- (C) Equal to
- (D) None
of these
2. Poise is the unit of
- (A) Surface tension
- (B) Capillarity
- (C) Viscosity
- (D) Shear stress in
3. Viscous force is the __________ of shear stress due to viscosity and cross-section area of flow.
- (A) Sum
- (B) Different
- (C) Product
- (D) Ratio
4. The siphon will work satisfactorily, if the minimum pressure in the pipe is __________ vapour pressure of liquid.
- (A) Equal to
- (B) Less than
- (C) More than
- (D) None of
5. The tangential velocity of the water element having a free vortex is
- (A) Directly
proportional to its distance from the centre
- (B) Inversely
proportional to its distance from the centre
- (C) Directly
proportional to its (distance)2 from the centre
- (D) Inversely
proportional to its (distance)2 from the centre
6. The horizontal component of buoyant force is
- (A) Negligible
- (B) Same as buoyant force
- (C) Zero
- (D) None of the above
7. A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is constant, is called __________ flow.
- (A) Steady
- (B) Streamline
- (C) Turbulent
- (D) Unsteady
8. The divergent portion of a Venturimeter is made longer than convergent portion in order to
- (A) Avoid
the tendency of breaking away the stream of liquid
- (B) To minimize frictional losses
- (C) Both (A) and
- (D) None of
9. According to Chezy's formula, the discharge through an open channel is (where A = Area of flow, C = Chezy's constant, m = Hydraulic mean depth, and i = Uniform slope in bed)
- (A) A ×
√(m × i)
- (B) C ×
√(m × i)
- (C) AC ×
√(m × i)
- (D) mi ×
√(A × C)
10. In a free vortex motion, the radial component of velocity everywhere is
- (A) Maximum
- (B) Minimum
- (C) Zero
- (D) Nonzero and finite
11. Coefficient of contraction is the ratio of
- (A) Actual
velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoretical velocity
- (B) Loss
of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the
- (C) Loss
of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the
- (D) Area of jet
at vena-contracta to the area of orifice
12. The Bernoulli's equation is based on the assumption that
- (A) There is no
loss of energy of the liquid flowing
- (B) The
velocity of flow is uniform across any cross-section of the pipe
- (C) No force
except gravity acts on the fluid
- (D) All
of the above
13. The flow in a pipe is turbulent when Reynold number is
- (A) Less than
- (B) Between 2000
and 2800
- (C) More than
- (D) None of
14. When the flow parameters at any given instant remain same at every point, then flow is said to be
- (A) Quasi-static
- (B) Steady state
- (C) Laminar
- (D) Uniform
15. The total pressure on an immersed surface inclined at an angle θ with the liquid surface is
- (A) wA
- (B) wx
- (C) wAx
- (D) wAx/sinθ
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