Hydraulics questions and Answers - Set 29 - ObjectiveBooks

Hydraulics questions and Answers - Set 29

Practice Test: Question Set - 29

1. Manometer is used to measure
    (A) Pressure in pipes, channels etc.
    (B) Atmospheric pressure
    (C) Very low pressure
    (D) Difference of pressure between two points

2. The flow in which conditions do not change with time at any point, is known as
    (A) One dimensional flow
    (B) Uniform flow
    (C) Steady flow
    (D) Turbulent flow

3. A nozzle placed at the end of a water pipe line discharges water at a
    (A) Low pressure
    (B) High pressure
    (C) Low velocity
    (D) High velocity

4. The pressure of fluid due to hammer blow is
    (A) Directly proportional to density of fluid
    (B) Inversely proportional to density of fluid
    (C) Directly proportional to (density)1/2 of fluid
    (D) Inversely proportional to (density)1/2 of fluid

5. In order to measure the flow with a Venturimeter, it is installed in
    (A) Horizontal line
    (B) Inclined line with flow upwards
    (C) Inclined line with flow downwards
    (D) Any direction and in any location

6. If mercury in a barometer is replaced by water, the height of 3.75 cm of mercury will be following cm of water
    (A) 51 cm
    (B) 50 cm
    (C) 52 cm
    (D) 52.2 cm

7. According to equation of continuity,
    (A) w1a1 = w2a2
    (B) w1v1 = w2v2
    (C) a1v1 = a2v2
    (D) a1/v1 = a2/v2

8. The discharge over a rectangular weir, considering the velocity of approach, is (whereH1 = H + Ha = Total height of water above the weir, H = Height of water over the crest of the weir, and Ha = Height of water due to velocity of approach)
    (A) (2/3) Cd × L.2g [H1 - Ha]
    (B) (2/3) Cd × L.2g [H13/2 - Ha3/2]
    (C) (2/3) Cd × L.2g [H12 - Ha2]
    (D) (2/3) Cd × L.2g [H15/2 - Ha5/2]

9. The Francis formula for the discharge over Cipoletti weir is
    (A) 1.84 LH1/2
    (B) 1.84 LH
    (C) 1.84 LH3/2
    (D) 1.84 LH5/2

10. One poise is equal to
    (A) 0.1 N-s/m2
    (B) 1 N-s/m2
    (C) 10 N-s/m2
    (D) 100 N-s/m2

11. When a vertical wall is subjected to pressures due to liquid on both sides, the resultant pressure is the __________ of the two pressures.
    (A) Sum
    (B) Difference
    (C) Arithmetic mean
    (D) Geometric mean

12. The mercury does not wet the glass. This is due to the property of the liquid known as
    (A) Cohesion
    (B) Adhesion
    (C) Viscosity
    (D) Surface tension

13. A channel is said to be of most economical cross-section, if
    (A) It gives maximum discharge for a given cross-sectional area and bed slope
    (B) It has minimum wetted perimeter
    (C) It involves lesser excavation for the designed amount of discharge
    (D) All of the above

14. The maximum efficiency of transmission through a pipe is
    (A) 50 %
    (B) 56.7 %
    (C) 66.67 %
    (D) 76.66 %

15. Ratio of inertia force to elastic force is known as
    (A) Mach number
    (B) Froude number
    (C) Reynolds number
    (D) Weber's number

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