Fluid Mechanics questions and Answers - Set 18 - ObjectiveBooks

Fluid Mechanics questions and Answers - Set 18

Practice Test: Question Set - 18

1. For a perfect incompressible liquid, flowing in a continuous stream, the total energy of a particle remains the same, while the particle moves from one point to another. This statement is called
    (A) Continuity equation
    (B) Bernoulli's equation
    (C) Pascal's law
    (D) Archimedes’s principle

2. Uniform flow occurs when
    (A) The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
    (B) The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
    (C) The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid
    (D) The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each pleasure

3. The critical depth for a channel is given by (where q = Unit discharge (discharge per unit width) through the channel)
    (A) (q/g)1/2
    (B) (q²/g)1/3
    (C) (q³/g)1/4
    (D) (q⁴/g)1/5

4. At the center line of a pipe flowing under pressure where the velocity gradient is zero, the shear stress will be
    (A) Minimum
    (B) Maximum
    (C) Zero
    (D) Could be any value

5. The discharge through a channel of trapezoidal section is maximum when
    (A) Width of channel at the top is equal to twice the width at the bottom
    (B) Depth of channel is equal to the width at the bottom
    (C) The sloping side is equal to half the width at the top
    (D) The sloping side is equal to the width at the bottom

6. Piezometer is used to measure
    (A) Pressure in pipe, channels etc.
    (B) Atmospheric pressure
    (C) Very low pressures
    (D) Difference of pressure between two points

7. The point at which the resultant pressure on an immersed surface acts, is known as
    (A) Centre of gravity
    (B) Centre of depth
    (C) Centre of pressure
    (D) Centre of immersed surface

8. Choose the wrong statement
    (A) Any weight, floating or immersed in a liquid, is acted upon by a buoyant force
    (B) Buoyant force is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced
    (C) The point through which buoyant force acts, is called the center of buoyancy
    (D) Center of buoyancy is located above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid

9. The centre of pressure for a vertically immersed surface lies at a distance equal to __________ the centre of gravity.
    (A) IG / Ax̅ bellow
    (B) IG / Ax̅ above
    (C) Ax̅ / IG bellow
    (D) Ax̅ / IG above

10. The pressure in the air space above an oil (sp. gr. 0.8) surface in a tank is 0.1 kg/cm". The pressure at 2.5 m below the oil surface will be
    (A) 2 metres of water column
    (B) 3 metres of water column
    (C) 3.5 metres of water column
    (D) 4 m of water column

11. The total pressure on the top of a closed cylindrical vessel completely filled up with a liquid is
    (A) Directly proportional to (radius)2
    (B) Inversely proportional to (radius)2
    (C) Directly proportional to (radius)4
    (D) Inversely proportional to (radius)4

12. The flow which neglects changes in a transverse direction is known as
    (A) One dimensional flow
    (B) Uniform flow
    (C) Steady flow
    (D) Turbulent flow

13. A moving fluid mass may be brought to a static equilibrium position, by applying an imaginary inertia force of the same magnitude as that of the accelerating force but in the opposite direction. This statement is called
    (A) Pascal's law
    (B) Archimedes’s principle
    (C) D-Alembert's principle
    (D) None of these

14. Normal depth in open channel flow is the depth of flow corresponding to
    (A) Steady flow
    (B) Unsteady flow
    (C) Laminar flow
    (D) Uniform flow

15. The mass per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called
    (A) Specific weight
    (B) Mass density
    (C) Specific gravity
    (D) None of these

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