Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. PERT stands for
- (A) Program Estimation and Reporting Technique
- (B) Process
Estimation and Review Technique
- (C) Program Evaluation and Review Technique
- (D) Planning
Estimation and Resulting Technique
2. CPM is
- (A) Synthesizing in concepts
- (B) Is built of
activities oriented programmes
- (C) Is used for
repetitive works
- (D) All of the above
3. Father of time study was
- (A) F.W. Taylor
- (B) H.L. Gantt
- (C) F.B. Gilbert
- (D) R.M. Barnes
4. Work study comprises following main techniques
- (A) Method study and work
- (B) Method study and time
- (C) Time study and work
- (D) Method study and job
5. The performance of a specific task in CPM is known as
- (A) Dummy
- (B) Event
- (C) Activity
- (D) Contract
6. Product layout is best suited where
- (A) One
type of product is produced
- (B) Product
is standardized
- (C) Product
is manufactured in large quantities
- (D) All of the
7. Positive slack on a PERT indicates that project is
- (A) Ahead of schedule
- (B) Beyond schedule
- (C) As per schedule
- (D) On critical path
8. Which of the following statement is wrong?
- (A) An
activity consumes time and resources whereas an event does not consume time or
- (B) The
performance of a specific task is called an activity
- (C) An
event is an instantaneous point in time at which an activity begins or ends
- (D) The
turning of a job on lathe is an event whereas job turned is an activity
9. P.M.T.S. (Predetermined Motion Time Systems) include
- (A) M.T.M.
(Method Time Measurement)
- (B) W.F.S. (Work
Factor Systems)
- (C) B.M.T.S.
(Basic Motion Time Study)
- (D) All of these
10. Travel charts provide
- (A) An idea of the flow
of materials at various stages
- (B) A compact estimate of
the handling which must be done between various work sections
- (C) The information for
changes required in rearranging material handling equipment
- (D) An approximate
estimate of the handling which must be done at a particular station
11. Which of the following organisation is preferred in automobile industry?
- (A) Functional organisation
- (B) Line organisation
- (C) Staff organisation
- (D) Line and staff organizations
12. Tick the odd man out
- (A) Taylor
- (B) Drucker
- (C) McGregor
- (D) Galileo
13. A company spends considerable amount on publicity to promote sales. This expenditure in break even chart is shown below the
- (A) Fixed cost
- (B) Variable
cost line
- (C) Total
cost line
- (D) Sales
revenue line
14. The mathematical technique for finding the best use of limited resources in an optimum manner is known as
- (A) Operation research
- (B) Linear programming
- (C) Network analysis
- (D) Break-even analysis
15. Product layout is used for
- (A) Job
- (B) Batch
- (C) Mass
- (D) Any
one of these
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