Practice Test: Question Set - 14
1. Process layout is employed for
- (A) Batch production
- (B) Continuous type of
- (C) Effective utilization of machines
- (D) All of the above
2. Under the Apprenticeship Act
- (A) All industries have
to necessarily train the apprentices
- (B) Industries have to
train apprentices according to their requirement
- (C) All industries
employing more than 100 workers have to recruit apprentices
- (D) Only industries
employing more than 500 workers have to recruit apprentices
3. Direct expenses include
- (A) Factory
- (B) Selling
- (C) Administrative
- (D) None
of these
4. In the Halsey 50-50 plan, the following are rewarded more
- (A) Past good workers
- (B) Past poor workers
- (C) Past average workers
- (D) All of the above
5. In Emerson's efficiency plan of wage incentive system, bonus is paid to a worker
- (A) Whose
output exceeds 67% efficiency
- (B) On
the percentage of time saved
- (C) On
the percentage of time worked
- (D) On
the percentage of standard time
6. PERT is the
- (A) Time oriented
- (B) Event oriented
- (C) Activity oriented
- (D) Target oriented
7. In product layout
- (A) Specialized and strict supervision is required
- (B) Machines
can not be used to their maximum capacity
- (C) Manufacturing
cost rises with a fall in the volume of production
- (D) All of the
8. Emergency rush order can be pushed more effectively in
- (A) Job production
- (B) Automatic production
- (C) Continuous production
- (D) Intermittent
9. Earliest finish time can be regarded as
- (A) Earliest
start time + duration of activity
- (B) Earliest
start time duration of activity
- (C) Latest
finish time + duration of activity
- (D) Latest
finish time duration of activity
10. The assumption in PERT is
- (A) A project will always
be behind schedule, if left uncorrected
- (B) Cost of project will
always be more than the estimated cost, if no timely corrections are taken
- (C) A project can be
subdivided into a set of predictable, independent activities
- (D) Activities are fixed and can't be changed
11. Which of the following wage incentive plan is applied to all workers?
- (A) Halsey
- (B) Gantt plan
- (C) Emerson's
efficiency plan
- (D) Rowan
12. According to MAPI formula, the old machine should be replaced by new one when
(Here, CAM = Challenger's Adverse minimum, DAM =
Defender's Adverse minimum)
- (A) CAM < DAM
- (B) CAM > DAM
- (C) CAM = DAM
- (D) There is no such
13. TMU in method time measurement stands for
- (A) Time motion unit
- (B) Time measurement unit
- (C) Time movement unit
- (D) Technique measurement
14. Gantt chart is used for
- (A) Inventory
- (B) Material
- (C) Production
- (D) Machine
repair schedules
15. The term 'value' in value engineering refers to
- (A) Total cost of the
- (B) Selling price of the
- (C) Utility of the
- (D) Manufactured cost of
the product
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