Theory practice test Industrial Engineering and Production Management - Set 11 - ObjectiveBooks

Theory practice test Industrial Engineering and Production Management - Set 11

Practice Test: Question Set - 11

1. Gantt chart provides information about the
    (A) Material handling
    (B) Proper utilization of manpower
    (C) Production schedule
    (D) Efficient working of machine

2. CPM stands for
    (A) Combined Process Method
    (B) Critical Path Method
    (C) Common Planning Method
    (D) Critical Process Method

3. Gantt charts provide information about
    (A) Break-even point analysis
    (B) Production schedule
    (C) Material handling layout
    (D) Determining selling price

4. Routing
    (A) Prescribes the sequence of operations to be followed
    (B) Determines the programme for the operations
    (C) Is concerned with starting of processes
    (D) Regulates the progress of job through various processes

5. Graphical method, simplex method, and transportation method are concerned with
    (A) Break-even analysis
    (B) Value analysis
    (C) Linear programming
    (D) Queueing theory

6. If (R) is the base rate guaranteed per hour, (S) is the standard time for the job and (T) is the actual time, then according to Halsey 50-50 plan, wages for the job will be
    (A) TR
    (B) TR + [(S - T)/2] × R
    (C) TR + (S - T) × R
    (D) TR + [(S - T)/S] × R

7. PERT and CPM are
    (A) Techniques to determine project status
    (B) Decision making techniques
    (C) Charts which increase aesthetic appearance of rooms
    (D) Aids to the decision maker

8. The most suitable incentive plan for the maintenance section of an industry will be
    (A) Piece rate system
    (B) Group incentive plan
    (C) Profit sharing plans
    (D) Simplification

9. The probability distribution of project completion in PERT follows following distribution
    (A) Normal
    (B) Binomial
    (C) Exponential
    (D) Gaussian

10. PERT requires
    (A) Single time estimate
    (B) Double time estimate
    (C) Triple time estimate
    (D) None of these

11. Break-even point is the point where
    (A) Fixed and variable cost lines intersect
    (B) Fixed and total cost lines intersect
    (C) Variable and total cost lines intersect
    (D) Sales revenue and total expensive lines intersect

12. Critical path on PERT/CPM chart is obtained by joining the events having
    (A) Maximum slack
    (B) Minimum slack
    (C) Average slack
    (D) No slack

13. Micro-motion study involves following number of fundamental hand motions
    (A) 8
    (B) 12
    (C) 16
    (D) 20

14. Frederick W. Taylor introduced a system of working known as
    (A) Line organisation
    (B) Line and staff organisation
    (C) Functional organisation
    (D) Effective organisation

15. The employees provident fund act is applicable to
    (A) All industries
    (B) All industries other than small and medium industries
    (C) Volunteers
    (D) The industries notified by Government

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