Practice Test: Question Set - 18
1. The routing function in a production system design is concerned with
- (A) Manpower utilization
- (B) Quality
assurance of the product
- (C) Machine utilization
- (D) Optimizing material flow through the plant
2. A systematic job improvement sequence will consist of
- (A) Motion
- (B) Time study
- (C) Job
- (D) All
of these
3. The factors which are to be considered while developing a good wage incentive plan will include
- (A) Adequate
- (B) Ease
of administration
- (C) Guaranteed
basic pay
- (D) All
of these
4. The main disadvantage of line organisation is
- (A) Top level executives
have to do excessive work
- (B) Structure is rigid
- (C) Communication delays
- (D) All of the above
5. Queuing theory is associated with
- (A) Sales
- (B) Inspection time
- (C) Waiting time
- (D) Production time
6. The essential condition for the decompression of an activity is that
- (A) The
project time should change due to decompression
- (B) After
decompression the time of an activity invariably exceeds its normal time
- (C) An
activity could be decompressed to the maximum extent of its normal time
- (D) None
of the above
7. The deductions for, employees provident fund start
- (A) Immediately on
joining the service
- (B) After 60 days of
joining the service
- (C) After 100 days of
joining the service
- (D) After 240 days of
joining the service
8. A device used for lifting or lowering objects suspended from a hook at the end of retractable chains or cable is called
- (A) Hoist
- (B) Jib
- (C) Portable
- (D) Chain
9. Work sampling observations are taken on the basis of
- (A) Detailed calculations
- (B) Convenience
- (C) Table of random
- (D) Past experience
10. Dummy activities are used to
- (A) Determine
the critical path
- (B) Determine
the project completion time
- (C) Maintain
the required net work
- (D) None
of these
11. The type of organisation preferred for an automobile industry, is
- (A) Line
- (B) Functional
- (C) Line
and staff organisation
- (D) Line,
staff and functional organisation
12. In the perpetual inventory control, the material is checked when it reaches its
- (A) Minimum value
- (B) Maximum value
- (C) Average value
- (D) Alarming value
13. Slack of various events on the critical path in PERT/CPM chart
- (A) Increases
- (B) Decreases
- (C) Remain constant
- (D) May increase or
decrease depending on various factors
14. Valve analysis is particularly of interest when
- (A) Jobbing
work economics are involved
- (B) Production
is on large scale
- (C) Only
few components are involved
- (D) Costly
equipment is used
15. The time taken by a trained worker to perform an operation, while working a steady pace, is known as
- (A) Standard
- (B) Normal
- (C) Representative
- (D) None
of these
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